3.1. Using ROS
The following examples use the ROS backend. Before running them, please make sure you have the ROS backend correctly configured and the Base system started.
3.1.1. First step
The first step is to connect to ROS to verify that the system is working.
Copy and paste the following example into any Python environment
(a standalong script, a CAD environment, etc) and run it, you should
see the output Connected: True
if everything is working properly:
from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
with RosClient() as client:
print('Connected:', client.is_connected)
Yay! Our first connection to ROS!
also supports using callbacks instead of blocking calls.
A callback is a function that is passed to another function as a parameter such that the latter function can call the former at any time during its own execution. Whenever code needs to respond to an event, one of the easiest ways to achieve it is to pass a callback function that the framework will invoke when the event is fired.
3.1.2. Hello World
The Hello world
of ROS is to start two nodes: a talker and a listener.
The nodes are extremely simple but they exemplify a distributed system with
communication between two processes over the ROS infrastructure. Writing the talker node
The following example starts a ROS node and begins to publish
messages in loop (to terminate, press ctrl+c
import time
from roslibpy import Message
from roslibpy import Topic
from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
with RosClient() as client:
talker = Topic(client, '/chatter', 'std_msgs/String')
while client.is_connected:
talker.publish(Message({'data': 'Hello World!'}))
print('Sending message...')
talker.unadvertise() Writing the listener node
Now let’s move on to the listener side:
import time
from roslibpy import Topic
from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
def receive_message(message):
print('Heard talking: ' + message['data'])
with RosClient() as client:
listener = Topic(client, '/chatter', 'std_msgs/String')
while client.is_connected:
time.sleep(1) Running the example
Open a command prompt and start the talker:
python 01_ros_hello_world_listener.py
Now open a second command prompt and start the listener:
python 01_ros_hello_world_listener.py
You should see the listener printing everytime it hears the other node talking.
It is not relevant where the files are located. They can be in different folders or even in different computers as long as the ROS master is the same.