Source code for compas_fab.backends.ros.fileserver_loader

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import binascii
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict

import roslibpy
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.datastructures import mesh_transform
from compas.files import XML
from compas.geometry import Transformation
from compas.robots.resources.basic import _get_file_format
from compas.robots.resources.basic import _mesh_import
from compas.utilities import geometric_key

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('compas_fab.backends.ros')

__all__ = [

def _cache_file_exists(filename):
    return os.path.isfile(filename)

def _read_file(filename, mode='r'):
    LOGGER.debug('Loading file %s from local cache dir', filename)

    with open(filename, mode) as f:

def _write_file(filename, file_contents, mode='w'):
    LOGGER.debug('Saving file to %s', filename)

    dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)

    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):

    with open(filename, mode) as f:

[docs]class RosFileServerLoader(object): """Allows to retrieve the mesh files specified in the robot model from the ROS File Server. Optionally, it stores them on the local file system, allowing for faster re-loads as well as enabling them to be loaded by the local package loaders afterwards. Parameters ---------- ros : :class:`compas_fab.backends.RosClient` The ROS client. local_cache : bool ``True`` to store a local copy of the ROS files, otherwise ``False``. Defaults to ``False``. local_cache_directory : str, optional Directory name to store the cached files. Only used if ``local_cache`` is ``True``. Defaults to ``~/robot_description``. precision : float Defines precision for importing/loading meshes. Defaults to ``compas.PRECISION``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ros=None, local_cache=False, local_cache_directory=None, precision=None): self.robot_name = None self.schema_prefix = 'package://' self.ros = ros self.local_cache_directory = None self.local_cache_enabled = local_cache self.precision = precision if self.local_cache_enabled: self.local_cache_directory = local_cache_directory or os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), 'robot_description')
@property def _robot_resource_path(self): if not self.robot_name: raise Exception('Robot name is not assigned, make sure you loaded URDF first') if not self.local_cache_directory: raise ValueError('local_cache_directory not set') return os.path.join(self.local_cache_directory, self.robot_name) @property def _urdf_filename(self): return os.path.join(self._robot_resource_path, 'urdf', 'robot_description.urdf') @property def _srdf_filename(self): return os.path.join(self._robot_resource_path, 'robot_description_semantic.srdf')
[docs] def load_urdf(self, parameter_name='/robot_description'): """Loads a URDF model from the specified ROS parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter_name : str, optional Name of the ROS parameter containing the robot description. Defaults to ``/robot_description``. Returns ------- str URDF model of the robot currently loaded in ROS. """ if self.local_cache_enabled and self.robot_name: filename = self._urdf_filename if _cache_file_exists(filename): return _read_file(filename) param = roslibpy.Param(self.ros, parameter_name) urdf = param.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) self.robot_name = self._read_robot_name(urdf) if self.local_cache_enabled: # Retrieve filename again, now that robot_name # has been loaded from URDF _write_file(self._urdf_filename, urdf) return urdf
[docs] def load_srdf(self, parameter_name='/robot_description_semantic'): """Loads an SRDF model from the specified ROS parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter_name : str, optional Name of the ROS parameter containing the robot semantics. Defaults to ``/robot_description_semantic``. Returns ------- str SRDF model of the robot currently loaded in ROS. """ if self.local_cache_enabled and self.robot_name: filename = self._srdf_filename if _cache_file_exists(filename): return _read_file(filename) param = roslibpy.Param(self.ros, parameter_name) srdf = param.get(timeout=TIMEOUT) if self.local_cache_enabled: _write_file(self._srdf_filename, srdf) return srdf
def _read_robot_name(self, robot_description): # TODO: Optimize this. We really don't need to parse the full URDF # only to read the robot's name (only used for local caching) xml = XML.from_string(robot_description) return xml.root.attrib['name']
[docs] def can_load_mesh(self, url): """Determine whether this loader can load a given mesh URL. Parameters ---------- url : str Mesh URL. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the URL uses the ``package://` scheme, otherwise ``False``. """ return url.startswith(self.schema_prefix)
[docs] def load_mesh(self, url): """Loads a mesh from local storage. Parameters ---------- url : str Mesh location Returns ------- :class:`Mesh` or list of :class:`Mesh` Instance of a mesh. """ use_local_file = False file_extension = _get_file_format(url) if self.local_cache_enabled: local_filename = self._local_mesh_filename(url) use_local_file = _cache_file_exists(local_filename) else: _, local_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.' + file_extension, prefix='ros_fileserver_') if not use_local_file: service = roslibpy.Service(self.ros, '/file_server/get_file', 'file_server/GetBinaryFile') request = roslibpy.ServiceRequest(dict(name=url)) response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) file_content = binascii.a2b_base64(['value']) # Just look away, we're about to do something nasty! # namespaces are handled differently between the CLI and CPython # XML parsers, so, we just get rid of it for DAE files if file_extension == 'dae': file_content = file_content.replace(b'xmlns=""', b'') # compas.files does not support file-like objects so we need to # save the file to disk always. If local caching is enabled, # we store it in the cache folder, otherwise, as a temp file. _write_file(local_filename, file_content, 'wb') else: # Nothing to do here, the file will be read by the mesh importer LOGGER.debug('Loading mesh file %s from local cache dir', local_filename) return _fileserver_mesh_import(url, local_filename, self.precision)
def _local_mesh_filename(self, url): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._robot_resource_path, url[len('package://'):]))
def _dae_mesh_importer(filename, precision): """This is a very simple implementation of a DAE/Collada parser. Collada specification: """ dae = XML.from_file(filename) meshes = [] visual_scenes = dae.root.find('library_visual_scenes') materials = dae.root.find('library_materials') effects = dae.root.find('library_effects') for geometry in dae.root.findall('library_geometries/geometry'): mesh_xml = geometry.find('mesh') mesh_id = geometry.attrib['id'] matrix_node = visual_scenes.find('visual_scene/node/instance_geometry[@url="#{}"]/../matrix'.format(mesh_id)) transform = None if matrix_node is not None: M = [float(i) for i in matrix_node.text.split()] # If it's the identity matrix, then ignore, we don't need to transform it if M != [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]: M = M[0:4], M[4:8], M[8:12], M[12:16] transform = Transformation.from_matrix(M) # primitive elements can be any combination of: # lines, linestrips, polygons, polylist, triangles, trifans, tristrips # The current implementation only supports triangles and polylist of triangular meshes primitive_element_sets = [] primitive_element_sets.extend(mesh_xml.findall('triangles')) primitive_element_sets.extend(mesh_xml.findall('polylist')) if len(primitive_element_sets) == 0: raise Exception('No primitive elements found (currently only triangles and polylist are supported)') for primitive_element_set in primitive_element_sets: primitive_tag = primitive_element_set.tag primitive_set_data = primitive_element_set.find('p').text.split() # Try to retrieve mesh colors mesh_colors = {} if materials is not None and effects is not None: try: instance_effect = None material_id = primitive_element_set.attrib.get('material') primitive_count = int(primitive_element_set.attrib['count']) if material_id is not None: instance_effect = materials.find('material[@id="{}"]/instance_effect'.format(material_id)) if instance_effect is not None: instance_effect_id = instance_effect.attrib['url'][1:] colors = effects.findall('effect[@id="{}"]/profile_COMMON/technique/phong/*/color'.format(instance_effect_id)) for color_node in colors: rgba = [float(i) for i in color_node.text.split()] mesh_colors['mesh_color.{}'.format(color_node.attrib['sid'])] = rgba except Exception: LOGGER.exception('Exception while loading materials, all materials of mesh file %s will be ignored ', filename) # Parse vertices all_offsets = sorted([int(i.attrib['offset']) for i in primitive_element_set.findall('input[@offset]')]) if not all_offsets: raise Exception('Primitive element node does not contain offset information! Primitive tag={}'.format(primitive_tag)) vertices_input = primitive_element_set.find('input[@semantic="VERTEX"]') vertices_id = vertices_input.attrib['source'][1:] vertices_link = mesh_xml.find('vertices[@id="{}"]/input'.format(vertices_id)) positions = mesh_xml.find('source[@id="{}"]/float_array'.format(vertices_link.attrib['source'][1:])) positions = positions.text.split() vertices = [[float(p) for p in positions[i:i + 3]] for i in range(0, len(positions), 3)] # Parse faces # Every nth element is a vertex key, we ignore the rest based on the offsets defined # Usually, every second item is the normal, but there can be other items offset in there (vertex tangents, etc) skip_step = 1 + all_offsets[-1] if primitive_tag == 'triangles': vcount = [3] * primitive_count elif primitive_tag == 'polylist': vcount = [int(v) for v in primitive_element_set.find('vcount').text.split()] if len(vcount) != primitive_count: raise Exception('Primitive count does not match vertex per face count, vertex input id={}'.format(vertices_id)) fkeys = [int(f) for f in primitive_set_data[::skip_step]] faces = [] for i in range(primitive_count): a = i * vcount[i] b = a + vcount[i] faces.append(fkeys[a:b]) # Rebuild vertices and faces using the same logic that other importers # use remapping everything based on a selected precision index_key = OrderedDict() vertex = OrderedDict() for i, xyz in enumerate(vertices): key = geometric_key(xyz, precision) index_key[i] = key vertex[key] = xyz key_index = {key: index for index, key in enumerate(vertex)} index_index = {index: key_index[key] for index, key in iter(index_key.items())} vertices = [xyz for xyz in iter(vertex.values())] faces = [[index_index[index] for index in face] for face in faces] mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces) if mesh_colors: mesh.attributes.update(mesh_colors) if transform: mesh_transform(mesh, transform) meshes.append(mesh) return meshes def _fileserver_mesh_import(url, filename, precision=None): """Internal function that adds primitive support for DAE files to the _mesh_import function of compas.robots.""" file_extension = _get_file_format(url) if file_extension == 'dae': # Magic! return _dae_mesh_importer(filename, precision) else: # TODO: This _mesh_import should also add support for precision return _mesh_import(url, filename) if __name__ == "__main__": """ Start following processes on client side: roslaunch YOUR_ROBOT_moveit_config demo.launch rviz_tutorial:=true roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch roslaunch file_server.launch """ import logging from compas.robots import RobotModel from compas_fab.backends import RosClient FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT) with RosClient() as ros: local_directory = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'workspace', 'robot_description') importer = RosFileServerLoader(ros, local_cache=True, local_cache_directory=local_directory) importer.robot_name = 'abb_irb1600_6_12' urdf = importer.load_urdf() srdf = importer.load_srdf() model = RobotModel.from_urdf_string(urdf) model.load_geometry(importer) print(model)