Source code for compas_fab.robots.robot

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import random

from compas.geometry import Frame
from compas.geometry import Sphere
from compas.geometry import Transformation
from compas.robots import Joint
from compas.robots import RobotModel

from compas_fab.robots.configuration import Configuration
from compas_fab.robots.constraints import Constraint
from compas_fab.robots.constraints import JointConstraint
from compas_fab.robots.constraints import OrientationConstraint
from compas_fab.robots.constraints import PositionConstraint

__all__ = [

[docs]class Robot(object): """Represents a robot. This class binds together several building blocks, such as the robot's descriptive model, its semantic information and an instance of a backend client into a cohesive programmable interface. This representation builds upon the model described in the class :class:`compas.robots.RobotModel` of the **COMPAS** framework. Attributes ---------- model : :class:`RobotModel` The robot model, usually created from an URDF structure. artist : :class:`compas.robots.base_artist.BaseRobotModelArtist` Instance of the artist used to visualize the robot model. Defaults to ``None``. semantics : :class:`compas_fab.robots.RobotSemantics` The semantic model of the robot. Defaults to ``None``. client : :class:`compas_fab.backends.interfaces.ClientInterface` The backend client to use for communication, e.g. :class:`compas_fab.backends.RosClient` attributes : :obj:`dict` Named attributes related to the robot instance. attached_tool : :class:`compas_fab.robots.Tool` Instance of the tool attached to the robot, if any. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, artist=None, semantics=None, client=None): self._scale_factor = 1. self.model = model self.attached_tool = None self.artist = artist self.semantics = semantics self.client = client self.attributes = {}
@property def artist(self): """:class:`compas.robots.base_artist.BaseRobotModelArtist`: Artist used to visualize robot model.""" return self._artist @artist.setter def artist(self, artist): self._artist = artist if len(self.model.joints) > 0 and len(self.model.links) > 0: self.scale(self._scale_factor) if self.attached_tool: self.artist.attach_tool_model(self.attached_tool.tool_model)
[docs] @classmethod def basic(cls, name, joints=None, links=None, materials=None, **kwargs): """Create the most basic instance of a robot, based only on name. Parameters ---------- name : :obj:`str` Name of the robot joints : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.robots.Joint`, optional Robot's joints. links : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.robots.Link`, optional Robot's links. materials : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.robots.Material`, optional Material description of the robot. kwargs : :obj:`dict` Keyword arguments passed to the :class:`compas.robots.RobotModel` `attr` :obj:`dict`. Accessible from `Robot.model.attr`. Returns ------- :class:`Robot` Newly created instance of a robot. Examples -------- >>> robot = Robot.basic('A robot') >>> 'A robot' """ model = RobotModel(name, joints=joints or [], links=links or [], materials=materials or [], **kwargs) return cls(model, None)
@property def name(self): """:obj:`str`: Name of the robot, as defined by its model. Examples -------- >>> 'ur5' """ return @property def group_names(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: All planning groups of the robot. Examples -------- >>> robot.group_names ['manipulator', 'endeffector'] """ self.ensure_semantics() return self.semantics.group_names @property def main_group_name(self): """:obj:`str`: Robot's main planning group.""" self.ensure_semantics() return self.semantics.main_group_name @property def root_name(self): """:obj:`str`: Robot's root name.""" return @property def group_states(self): """:obj:`dict` of :obj:`dict`: All group states of the robot. Examples -------- >>> sorted(robot.group_states['manipulator'].keys()) ['home', 'up'] """ self.ensure_semantics() return self.semantics.group_states
[docs] def get_end_effector_frame(self, group=None, full_configuration=None): """Get the frame of the robot's end effector. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. full_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional The robot's full configuration, i.e. values for all configurable joints of the entire robot. Defaults to the all-zero configuration. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` """ if not full_configuration: full_configuration = self.zero_configuration() full_joint_state = dict(zip(full_configuration.joint_names, full_configuration.values)) return self.model.forward_kinematics(full_joint_state, link_name=self.get_end_effector_link_name(group))
[docs] def get_base_frame(self, group=None, full_configuration=None): """Get the frame of the robot's base link, which is the robot's origin frame. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. full_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional The robot's full configuration, i.e. values for all configurable joints of the entire robot. Defaults to the all-zero configuration. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` """ if not full_configuration: full_configuration = self.zero_configuration() full_joint_state = dict(zip(full_configuration.joint_names, full_configuration.values)) return self.model.forward_kinematics(full_joint_state, link_name=self.get_base_link_name(group))
[docs] def get_configurable_joints(self, group=None): """Get the robot's configurable joints. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.robots.Joint` Note ---- If semantics is set and no group is passed, it returns all configurable joints of all groups. Examples -------- >>> joints = robot.get_configurable_joints('manipulator') >>> [ for j in joints] ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'] """ if self.semantics: if group: return self.semantics.get_configurable_joints(group) else: return self.semantics.get_all_configurable_joints() else: return self.model.get_configurable_joints()
[docs] def get_joint_types_by_names(self, names): """Get a list of joint types given a list of joint names. Parameters ---------- names : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` The names of the joints. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.SUPPORTED_TYPES` List of joint types. """ return [self.get_joint_by_name(n).type for n in names]
[docs] def get_joint_by_name(self, name): """RGet the joint in the robot model matching the given name. Parameters ---------- name : :obj:`str` The name of the joint. Returns ------- :class:`compas.robots.Joint` """ return self.model.get_joint_by_name(name)
[docs] def get_configurable_joint_names(self, group=None): """Get the configurable joint names. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Note ---- If semantics is set and no group is passed, it returns all configurable joints of all groups. Examples -------- >>> robot.get_configurable_joint_names('manipulator') ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', \ 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint'] """ configurable_joints = self.get_configurable_joints(group) return [ for j in configurable_joints]
[docs] def get_configurable_joint_types(self, group=None): """Get the configurable joint types. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :attr:`compas.robots.Joint.SUPPORTED_TYPES` Note ---- If :attr:`semantics` is set and no group is passed, it returns all configurable joint types of all groups. Examples -------- >>> robot.get_configurable_joint_types('manipulator') [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] """ configurable_joints = self.get_configurable_joints(group) return [j.type for j in configurable_joints]
# ========================================================================== # configurations # ==========================================================================
[docs] def zero_configuration(self, group=None): """Get the zero joint configuration. If zero is out of joint limits ``(upper, lower)`` then ``(upper + lower) / 2`` is used as joint value. Examples -------- >>> robot.zero_configuration('manipulator') Configuration((0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), \ ('shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint')) """ values = [] joint_names = [] joint_types = [] for joint in self.get_configurable_joints(group): if joint.limit and not (0 <= joint.limit.upper and 0 >= joint.limit.lower): values.append((joint.limit.upper + joint.limit.lower)/2.) else: values.append(0) joint_names.append( joint_types.append(joint.type) return Configuration(values, joint_types, joint_names)
[docs] def random_configuration(self, group=None): """Get a random configuration. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Note ---- No collision checking is involved, the configuration may be invalid. """ configurable_joints = self.get_configurable_joints(group) values = [] for joint in configurable_joints: if joint.limit: values.append(joint.limit.lower + (joint.limit.upper - joint.limit.lower) * random.random()) else: values.append(0) joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) joint_types = self.get_joint_types_by_names(joint_names) return Configuration(values, joint_types, joint_names)
[docs] def get_group_configuration(self, group, full_configuration): """Get the group's configuration. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str` The name of the planning group. full_configuration : :class:`Configuration` The configuration for all configurable joints of the robot. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` The configuration of the group. """ full_configuration = self._check_full_configuration_and_scale(full_configuration)[0] # adds joint_names to full_configuration and makes copy full_joint_state = dict(zip(full_configuration.joint_names, full_configuration.values)) group_joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) values = [full_joint_state[name] for name in group_joint_names] return Configuration(values, self.get_configurable_joint_types(group), group_joint_names)
[docs] def merge_group_with_full_configuration(self, group_configuration, full_configuration, group): """Get the robot's full configuration by merging a group's configuration with a full configuration. The group configuration takes precedence over the full configuration in case a joint value is present in both. Parameters ---------- group_configuration : :class:`Configuration` The configuration for one of the robot's planning groups. full_configuration : :class:`Configuration` The configuration for all configurable joints of the robot. group : :obj:`str` The name of the planning group. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` A full configuration with values for all configurable joints. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If the `full_configuration` does not specify positions for all configurable joints, or if the `group_configuration` does not specify positions for all configurable joints of the given group. """ if not group_configuration.joint_names: group_configuration.joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) full_configuration = self._check_full_configuration_and_scale(full_configuration)[0] # adds joint_names to full_configuration and makes copy full_configuration.merge(group_configuration) return full_configuration
[docs] def get_position_by_joint_name(self, configuration, joint_name, group=None): """Get the position of named joint in given configuration. Parameters ---------- configuration : :class:`Configuration` The configuration of the configurable joints. joint_name : :obj:`str` Name of joint. group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`float` Joint position for the given joint. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If the number of joints in the `configuration` parameter does not match the configurable joints of the given `group`. """ names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) if len(names) != len(configuration.values): raise ValueError( "Please pass a configuration with %d values or specify group" % len(names)) return configuration.values[names.index(joint_name)]
def _check_full_configuration_and_scale(self, full_configuration=None): """Either create a full configuration or check if the passed full configuration is valid. Parameters ---------- full_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional The full configuration of the whole robot, including values for all configurable joints. Returns ------- (:class:`Configuration`, :class:`Configuration`) The full configuration and the scaled full configuration """ if not full_configuration: configuration = self.zero_configuration() # with joint_names else: joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names() # full configuration # full_configuration might have passive joints specified as well, we allow this. if len(joint_names) > len(full_configuration.values): raise ValueError("Please pass a configuration with {} values, for all configurable joints of the robot.".format(len(joint_names))) configuration = full_configuration.copy() if not configuration.joint_names: configuration.joint_names = joint_names return configuration, configuration.scaled(1. / self.scale_factor)
[docs] def get_configuration_from_group_state(self, group, group_state): """Get a ``Configuration`` from a group's group state. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str` The name of the planning group. group_state : :obj:`str The name of the ``group_state``. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` The configuration specified by the ``group_state``. """ joint_dict = self.group_states[group][group_state] group_joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) group_joint_types = self.get_configurable_joint_types(group) values = [joint_dict[name] for name in group_joint_names] return Configuration(values, group_joint_types, group_joint_names)
# ========================================================================== # transformations, coordinate frames # ==========================================================================
[docs] def transformation_RCF_WCF(self, group=None): """Get the transformation from the robot's coordinate system (RCF) to the world coordinate system (WCF). Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation` """ base_frame = self.get_base_frame(group) return Transformation.from_change_of_basis(base_frame, Frame.worldXY())
[docs] def transformation_WCF_RCF(self, group=None): """Get the transformation from the world coordinate system (WCF) to the robot's coordinate system (RCF). Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Transformation` """ base_frame = self.get_base_frame(group) return Transformation.from_change_of_basis(Frame.worldXY(), base_frame)
[docs] def set_RCF(self, robot_coordinate_frame, group=None): """Move the origin frame of the robot to the robot_coordinate_frame. Raises ------ :exc:`NotImplementedError` Not implemented yet. """ # TODO: must be applied to the model, so that base_frame is RCF # Problem: check if conversion wcf/rcf still works with backend raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_RCF(self, group=None): """Get the origin frame of the robot. Parameters ---------- group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Origin frame of the robot. """ return self.get_base_frame(group)
[docs] def to_local_coordinates(self, frame_WCF, group=None): """Represent a frame from the world coordinate system (WCF) in the robot's coordinate system (RCF). Parameters ---------- frame_WCF : :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` A frame in the world coordinate frame. group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` A frame in the robot's coordinate frame. Examples -------- >>> frame_WCF = Frame([-0.363, 0.003, -0.147], [0.388, -0.351, -0.852], [0.276, 0.926, -0.256]) >>> frame_RCF = robot.to_local_coordinates(frame_WCF) >>> frame_RCF Frame(Point(-0.363, 0.003, -0.147), Vector(0.388, -0.351, -0.852), Vector(0.276, 0.926, -0.256)) """ frame_RCF = frame_WCF.transformed(self.transformation_WCF_RCF(group)) return frame_RCF
[docs] def to_world_coordinates(self, frame_RCF, group=None): """Represent a frame from the robot's coordinate system (RCF) in the world coordinate system (WCF). Parameters ---------- frame_RCF : :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` A frame in the robot's coordinate frame. group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the planning group. Defaults to the main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` A frame in the world coordinate frame. Examples -------- >>> frame_RCF = Frame([-0.363, 0.003, -0.147], [0.388, -0.351, -0.852], [0.276, 0.926, -0.256]) >>> frame_WCF = robot.to_world_coordinates(frame_RCF) >>> frame_WCF Frame(Point(-0.363, 0.003, -0.147), Vector(0.388, -0.351, -0.852), Vector(0.276, 0.926, -0.256)) """ frame_WCF = frame_RCF.transformed(self.transformation_RCF_WCF(group)) return frame_WCF
[docs] def from_tcf_to_t0cf(self, frames_tcf): """Convert a list of frames at the robot's tool tip (tcf frame) to frames at the robot's flange (tool0 frame) using the attached tool. Parameters ---------- frames_tcf : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Frames (in WCF) at the robot's tool tip (tcf). Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Frames (in WCF) at the robot's flange (tool0). Raises ------ Exception If the attached tool is not set. Examples -------- >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl')) >>> frame = Frame([0.14, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> robot.attach_tool(Tool(mesh, frame)) >>> frames_tcf = [Frame((-0.309, -0.046, -0.266), (0.276, 0.926, -0.256), (0.879, -0.136, 0.456))] >>> robot.from_tcf_to_t0cf(frames_tcf) [Frame(Point(-0.363, 0.003, -0.147), Vector(0.388, -0.351, -0.852), Vector(0.276, 0.926, -0.256))] """ if not self.attached_tool: raise Exception("Please attach a tool first.") return self.attached_tool.from_tcf_to_t0cf(frames_tcf)
[docs] def from_t0cf_to_tcf(self, frames_t0cf): """Convert frames at the robot's flange (tool0 frame) to frames at the robot's tool tip (tcf frame) using the attached tool. Parameters ---------- frames_t0cf : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Frames (in WCF) at the robot's flange (tool0). Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Frames (in WCF) at the robot's tool tip (tcf). Raises ------ :exc:`Exception` If the robot has no attached tool defined. Examples -------- >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl')) >>> frame = Frame([0.14, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> robot.attach_tool(Tool(mesh, frame)) >>> frames_t0cf = [Frame((-0.363, 0.003, -0.147), (0.388, -0.351, -0.852), (0.276, 0.926, -0.256))] >>> robot.from_t0cf_to_tcf(frames_t0cf) [Frame(Point(-0.309, -0.046, -0.266), Vector(0.276, 0.926, -0.256), Vector(0.879, -0.136, 0.456))] """ if not self.attached_tool: raise Exception("Please attach a tool first.") return self.attached_tool.from_t0cf_to_tcf(frames_t0cf)
[docs] def attach_tool(self, tool, group=None, touch_links=None): """Attach a tool to the robot independently of the model definition. Parameters ---------- tool : :class:`Tool` The tool that should be attached to the robot's flange. group : :obj:`str`, optional The planning group to attach this tool to. Defaults to the main planning group. touch_links : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional A list of link names the end-effector is allowed to touch. Defaults to the end-effector link. Returns ------- ``None`` See Also -------- * :meth:`detach_tool` Examples -------- >>> mesh = Mesh.from_stl(compas_fab.get('planning_scene/cone.stl')) >>> frame = Frame([0.14, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> tool = Tool(mesh, frame) >>> robot.attach_tool(tool) """ if not tool.link_name: group = group or self.main_group_name tool.link_name = self.get_end_effector_link_name(group) tool.update_touch_links(touch_links) self.attached_tool = tool if self.artist: self.artist.attach_tool_model(tool.tool_model)
[docs] def detach_tool(self): """Detach the attached tool. See Also -------- * :meth:`attach_tool` """ self.attached_tool = None if self.artist: self.artist.detach_tool_model()
# ========================================================================== # checks # ==========================================================================
[docs] def ensure_client(self): """Check if the client is set. Raises ------ :exc:`Exception` If :attr:`client` is not set """ if not self.client: raise Exception( 'This method is only callable once a client is assigned')
[docs] def ensure_semantics(self): """Check if semantics is set. Raises ------ :exc:`Exception` If :attr:`semantics` is not set. """ if not self.semantics: raise Exception( 'This method is only callable once a semantic model is assigned')
# ========================================================================== # constraints # ==========================================================================
[docs] def orientation_constraint_from_frame(self, frame_WCF, tolerances_axes, group=None): r"""Create an orientation constraint from a frame on the group's end-effector link. Parameters ---------- frame_WCF: :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frame from which we create the orientation constraint. tolerances_axes: :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Error tolerances t\ :sub:`i` for each of the frame's axes in radians. If only one value is passed it will be uses for all 3 axes. group: :obj:`str`, optional The planning group for which we specify the constraint. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`OrientationConstraint` Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If tolerance axes given are not one or three values. Notes ----- The rotation tolerance for an axis is defined by the other vector component values for rotation around corresponding axis. If you specify the tolerances_axes vector with ``[0.01, 0.01, 6.3]``, it means that the frame's x-axis and y-axis are allowed to rotate about the z-axis by an angle of 6.3 radians, whereas the z-axis would only rotate by 0.01. Examples -------- >>> frame = Frame([0.4, 0.3, 0.4], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> tolerances_axes = [math.radians(1)] * 3 >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> robot.orientation_constraint_from_frame(frame, tolerances_axes, group=group) OrientationConstraint('ee_link', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295], 1.0) """ ee_link = self.get_end_effector_link_name(group) tolerances_axes = list(tolerances_axes) if len(tolerances_axes) == 1: tolerances_axes *= 3 elif len(tolerances_axes) != 3: raise ValueError("Must give either one or 3 values") return OrientationConstraint(ee_link, frame_WCF.quaternion, tolerances_axes)
[docs] def position_constraint_from_frame(self, frame_WCF, tolerance_position, group=None): """Create a position constraint from a frame on the group's end-effector link. Parameters ---------- frame_WCF : :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frame from which we create position and orientation constraints. tolerance_position : :obj:`float` The allowed tolerance to the frame's position (defined in the robot's units). group: :obj:`str`, optional The planning group for which we specify the constraint. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- :class:`PositionConstraint` See Also -------- * :meth:`PositionConstraint.from_box` * :meth:`PositionConstraint.from_mesh` * :meth:`PositionConstraint.from_sphere` Notes ----- The rotation tolerance for an axis is defined by the other vector component values for rotation around corresponding axis. If you specify the tolerances_axes vector with ``[0.01, 0.01, 6.3]``, it means that the frame's x-axis and y-axis are allowed to rotate about the z-axis by an angle of 6.3 radians, whereas the z-axis would only rotate by 0.01. Examples -------- >>> frame = Frame([0.4, 0.3, 0.4], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> tolerance_position = 0.001 >>> robot.position_constraint_from_frame(frame, tolerance_position) PositionConstraint('ee_link', BoundingVolume(2, Sphere(Point(0.400, 0.300, 0.400), 0.001)), 1.0) """ ee_link = self.get_end_effector_link_name(group) sphere = Sphere(frame_WCF.point, tolerance_position) return PositionConstraint.from_sphere(ee_link, sphere)
[docs] def constraints_from_frame(self, frame_WCF, tolerance_position, tolerances_axes, group=None): r"""Create a position and an orientation constraint from a frame calculated for the group's end-effector link. Parameters ---------- frame_WCF: :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frame from which we create position and orientation constraints. tolerance_position: :obj:`float` The allowed tolerance to the frame's position (defined in the robot's units). tolerances_axes: :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` Error tolerances t\ :sub:`i` for each of the frame's axes in radians. If only one value is passed it will be uses for all 3 axes. group: :obj:`str`, optional The planning group for which we specify the constraint. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`Constraint` See Also -------- * :meth:`PositionConstraint.from_box` * :meth:`PositionConstraint.from_mesh` * :meth:`PositionConstraint.from_sphere` * :meth:`orientation_constraint_from_frame` Notes ----- The rotation tolerance for an axis is defined by the other vector component values for rotation around corresponding axis. If you specify the tolerances_axes vector with ``[0.01, 0.01, 6.3]``, it means that the frame's x-axis and y-axis are allowed to rotate about the z-axis by an angle of 6.3 radians, whereas the z-axis would only rotate by 0.01. Examples -------- >>> frame = Frame([0.4, 0.3, 0.4], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> tolerance_position = 0.001 >>> tolerances_axes = [math.radians(1)] >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> robot.constraints_from_frame(frame, tolerance_position, tolerances_axes, group) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [PositionConstraint('ee_link', BoundingVolume(2, Sphere(Point(0.400, 0.300, 0.400), 0.001)), 1.0), OrientationConstraint('ee_link', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295], 1.0)] """ pc = self.position_constraint_from_frame(frame_WCF, tolerance_position, group) oc = self.orientation_constraint_from_frame(frame_WCF, tolerances_axes, group) return [pc, oc]
[docs] def constraints_from_configuration(self, configuration, tolerances_above, tolerances_below, group=None): """Create joint constraints for all joints of the configuration. Parameters ---------- configuration: :class:`Configuration` The target configuration. tolerances_above: :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` The tolerances above the targeted configuration's joint value on each of the joints, defining the upper bound in radians to be achieved. If only one value is passed, it will be used to create upper bounds for all joint constraints. tolerances_below: :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` The tolerances below the targeted configuration's joint value on each of the joints, defining the upper bound in radians to be achieved. If only one value is passed, it will be used to create lower bounds for all joint constraints. group: :obj:`str`, optional The planning group for which we specify the constraint. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`JointConstraint` Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If the passed configuration does not correspond to the group. :exc:`ValueError` If the passed list of tolerance values have a different length than the configuration. Notes ----- Make sure that you are using the correct tolerance units if your robot has different joint types defined. Examples -------- >>> configuration = Configuration.from_revolute_values([-0.042, 4.295, -4.110, -3.327, 4.755, 0.]) >>> tolerances_above = [math.radians(1)] * 6 >>> tolerances_below = [math.radians(1)] * 6 >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> robot.constraints_from_configuration(configuration, tolerances_above, tolerances_below, group) [JointConstraint('shoulder_pan_joint', -0.042, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 1.0), \ JointConstraint('shoulder_lift_joint', 4.295, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 1.0), \ JointConstraint('elbow_joint', -4.11, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 1.0), \ JointConstraint('wrist_1_joint', -3.327, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 1.0), \ JointConstraint('wrist_2_joint', 4.755, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 1.0), \ JointConstraint('wrist_3_joint', 0.0, 0.017453292519943295, 0.017453292519943295, 1.0)] """ if not group: group = self.main_group_name joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) if len(joint_names) != len(configuration.values): raise ValueError("The passed configuration has %d values, the group %s needs however: %d" % ( len(configuration.values), group, len(joint_names))) if len(tolerances_above) == 1: tolerances_above = tolerances_above * len(joint_names) elif len(tolerances_above) != len(configuration.values): raise ValueError("The passed configuration has %d values, the tolerances_above however: %d" % ( len(configuration.values), len(tolerances_above))) if len(tolerances_below) == 1: tolerances_below = tolerances_below * len(joint_names) elif len(tolerances_below) != len(configuration.values): raise ValueError("The passed configuration has %d values, the tolerances_below however: %d" % ( len(configuration.values), len(tolerances_below))) constraints = [] for name, value, tolerance_above, tolerance_below in zip(joint_names, configuration.values, tolerances_above, tolerances_below): constraints.append(JointConstraint(name, value, tolerance_above, tolerance_below)) return constraints
# ========================================================================== # services # ==========================================================================
[docs] def inverse_kinematics(self, frame_WCF, start_configuration=None, group=None, return_full_configuration=False, options=None): """Calculate the robot's inverse kinematic for a given frame. Parameters ---------- frame_WCF : :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frame to calculate the inverse kinematic for. start_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional If passed, the inverse will be calculated such that the calculated joint positions differ the least from the start_configuration. Defaults to the zero configuration. group: :obj:`str`, optional The planning group used for calculation. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. return_full_configuration : :obj:`bool`, optional If ``True``, returns a full configuration with all joint values specified, including passive ones if available. Defaults to ``False``. options: :obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the key-value pairs of additional options. The valid options are specific to the backend in use. Check the API reference of the IK backend implementation for more details. Raises ------ :exc:`compas_fab.backends.BackendError` If no configuration can be found. Returns ------- :class:`Configuration` The planning group's configuration. Examples -------- >>> frame_WCF = Frame([0.3, 0.1, 0.5], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]) >>> start_configuration = robot.zero_configuration() >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> robot.inverse_kinematics(frame_WCF, start_configuration, group) # doctest: +SKIP Configuration((4.045, 5.130, -2.174, -6.098, -5.616, 6.283), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) # doctest: +SKIP """ options = options or {} attached_collision_meshes = options.get('attached_collision_meshes', []) self.ensure_client() group = group or self.main_group_name if self.semantics else None start_configuration, start_configuration_scaled = self._check_full_configuration_and_scale(start_configuration) frame_WCF_scaled = frame_WCF.copy() frame_WCF_scaled.point /= self.scale_factor # must be in meters if self.attached_tool: attached_collision_meshes.extend(self.attached_tool.attached_collision_meshes) options['attached_collision_meshes'] = attached_collision_meshes # The returned joint names might be more than the requested ones if there are passive joints present joint_positions, joint_names = self.client.inverse_kinematics(self, frame_WCF_scaled, start_configuration_scaled, group, options) if return_full_configuration: # build configuration including passive joints, but no sorting joint_types = self.get_joint_types_by_names(joint_names) configuration = Configuration(joint_positions, joint_types, joint_names) else: # sort values for group configuration joint_state = dict(zip(joint_names, joint_positions)) group_joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) values = [joint_state[name] for name in group_joint_names] configuration = Configuration(values, self.get_configurable_joint_types(group), group_joint_names) return configuration.scaled(self.scale_factor)
[docs] def inverse_kinematics_deprecated(self, frame_WCF, start_configuration=None, group=None, avoid_collisions=True, constraints=None, attempts=8, attached_collision_meshes=None, return_full_configuration=False): return self.inverse_kinematics(frame_WCF, start_configuration, group, return_full_configuration, options=dict( avoid_collisions=avoid_collisions, constraints=constraints, attempts=attempts, attached_collision_meshes=attached_collision_meshes, ))
[docs] def forward_kinematics(self, configuration, group=None, options=None): """Calculate the robot's forward kinematic. Parameters ---------- configuration: :class:`compas_fab.robots.Configuration` The full configuration to calculate the forward kinematic for. If no full configuration is passed, the zero-joint state for the other configurable joints is assumed. group: obj:`str`, optional The planning group used for the calculation. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. options: obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the following key-value pairs: - ``"solver"``: (:obj:`str`, optional) If ``None`` calculates FK with the client if it exists or with the robot model. If ``'model'`` use the robot model to calculate FK. Other values depend on specific backend implementation, some backends might allow selecting different FK solvers dynamically. - ``"link"``: (:obj:`str`, optional) The name of the link to calculate the forward kinematics for. Defaults to the group's end effector link. Backwards compatibility note: if there's no ``link`` option, the planner will try also ``ee_link`` as fallback before defaulting to the end effector's link. There are additional options that are specific to the backend in use. Check the API reference of the FK backend implementation for more details. Returns ------- :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frame in the world's coordinate system (WCF). Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If `link_name` doesn't match any of the :class:`Robot` instance's links. :exc:`NotImplementedError` If forward kinematic method for given `backend` is not implemented. Examples -------- >>> configuration = Configuration.from_revolute_values([-2.238, -1.153, -2.174, 0.185, 0.667, 0.000]) >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> frame_WCF_c = robot.forward_kinematics(configuration, group) >>> options = {'solver': 'model'} >>> frame_WCF_m = robot.forward_kinematics(configuration, group, options) >>> frame_WCF_c == frame_WCF_m True """ options = options or {} solver = options.get('solver') group = group or self.main_group_name if self.semantics else None full_configuration = self.merge_group_with_full_configuration(configuration, self.zero_configuration(), group) full_configuration, full_configuration_scaled = self._check_full_configuration_and_scale(full_configuration) full_joint_state = dict(zip(full_configuration.joint_names, full_configuration.values)) # If there's no client, we default to `model` solver if there is no other assigned. if not self.client: solver = solver or 'model' # Solve with the model if solver == 'model': link = options.get('link', options.get('ee_link')) link = link or self.get_end_effector_link_name(group) if link not in self.get_link_names(group): raise ValueError('Link name {} does not exist in planning group'.format(link)) frame_WCF = self.model.forward_kinematics(full_joint_state, link) # Otherwise, pass everything down to the client else: self.ensure_client() frame_WCF = self.client.forward_kinematics(self, full_configuration_scaled, group, options) # Scale and return frame_WCF.point *= self.scale_factor return frame_WCF
[docs] def forward_kinematics_deprecated(self, configuration, group=None, backend=None, ee_link=None): return self.forward_kinematics(configuration, group, options=dict(solver=backend, link=ee_link))
[docs] def plan_cartesian_motion(self, frames_WCF, start_configuration=None, group=None, options=None): """Calculate a cartesian motion path (linear in tool space). Parameters ---------- frames_WCF : :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` The frames through which the path is defined. start_configuration : :class:`Configuration`, optional The robot's full configuration, i.e. values for all configurable joints of the entire robot, at the starting position. Defaults to the all-zero configuration. group : :obj:`str`, optional The planning group used for calculation. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. options : :obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the following key-value pairs: - max_step :: :obj:`float`, optional The approximate distance between the calculated points. (Defined in the robot's units.) Defaults to ``0.01``. - path_constraints :: :obj:`list` of :class:`compas_fab.robots.Constraint`, optional Optional constraints that can be imposed along the solution path. Note that path calculation won't work if the start_configuration violates these constraints. Defaults to ``None``. - attached_collision_meshes :: :obj:`list` of :class:`compas_fab.robots.AttachedCollisionMesh` Defaults to ``None``. There are additional options that are specific to the backend in use. Check the API reference of the cartesian motion planner backend implementation for more details. Returns ------- :class:`JointTrajectory` The calculated trajectory. Examples -------- >>> frames = [Frame([0.3, 0.1, 0.5], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),\ Frame([0.4, 0.3, 0.4], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1])] >>> start_configuration = Configuration.from_revolute_values([-0.042, 4.295, -4.110, -3.327, 4.755, 0.]) >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> options = {'max_step': 0.01,\ 'jump_threshold': 1.57,\ 'avoid_collisions': True} >>> trajectory = robot.plan_cartesian_motion(frames,\ start_configuration,\ group=group,\ options=options) >>> type(trajectory) <class 'compas_fab.robots.trajectory.JointTrajectory'> """ options = options or {} max_step = options.get('max_step') path_constraints = options.get('path_constraints') attached_collision_meshes = options.get('attached_collision_meshes', []) self.ensure_client() if not group: group = self.main_group_name # ensure semantics # NOTE: start_configuration has to be a full robot configuration, such # that all configurable joints of the whole robot are defined for planning. start_configuration, start_configuration_scaled = self._check_full_configuration_and_scale(start_configuration) frames_WCF_scaled = [] for frame in frames_WCF: frames_WCF_scaled.append(Frame(frame.point * 1. / self.scale_factor, frame.xaxis, frame.yaxis)) if path_constraints: path_constraints_WCF_scaled = [] for c in path_constraints: cp = c.copy() if c.type == Constraint.JOINT: joint = self.get_joint_by_name(c.joint_name) if joint.is_scalable(): cp.scale(1. / self.scale_factor) else: cp.scale(1. / self.scale_factor) path_constraints_WCF_scaled.append(cp) else: path_constraints_WCF_scaled = None if self.attached_tool: attached_collision_meshes.extend(self.attached_tool.attached_collision_meshes) options['attached_collision_meshes'] = attached_collision_meshes options['path_constraints'] = path_constraints if max_step: options['max_step'] = max_step / self.scale_factor trajectory = self.client.plan_cartesian_motion( robot=self, frames_WCF=frames_WCF_scaled, start_configuration=start_configuration_scaled, group=group, options=options) # Scale everything back to robot's scale for pt in trajectory.points: pt.scale(self.scale_factor) trajectory.start_configuration.scale(self.scale_factor) return trajectory
[docs] def plan_cartesian_motion_deprecated(self, frames_WCF, start_configuration=None, max_step=0.01, jump_threshold=1.57, avoid_collisions=True, group=None, path_constraints=None, attached_collision_meshes=None): return self.plan_cartesian_motion(frames_WCF, start_configuration=start_configuration, group=group, options=dict( max_step=max_step, jump_threshold=jump_threshold, avoid_collisions=avoid_collisions, path_constraints=path_constraints, attached_collision_meshes=attached_collision_meshes, ))
[docs] def plan_motion(self, goal_constraints, start_configuration=None, group=None, options=None): """Calculate a motion path. Parameters ---------- goal_constraints : list of :class:`Constraint` The goal to be achieved, defined in a set of constraints. Constraints can be very specific, for example defining value domains for each joint, such that the goal configuration is included, or defining a volume in space, to which a specific robot link (e.g. the end-effector) is required to move to. start_configuration : :class:`.Configuration`, optional The robot's full configuration, i.e. values for all configurable joints of the entire robot, at the starting position. Defaults to the all-zero configuration. group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the group to plan for. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. options : :obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the following key-value pairs: - path_constraints :: :obj:`list` of :class:`Constraint`, optional Optional constraints that can be imposed along the solution path. Note that path calculation won't work if the start_configuration violates these constraints. Defaults to ``None``. - attached_collision_meshes :: :obj:`list` of :class:`compas_fab.robots.AttachedCollisionMesh` Defaults to ``None``. There are additional options that are specific to the backend in use. Check the API reference of the motion planner backend implementation for more details. Returns ------- :class:`JointTrajectory` The calculated trajectory. Examples -------- >>> # Example with position and orientation constraints >>> frame = Frame([0.4, 0.3, 0.4], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]) >>> tolerance_position = 0.001 >>> tolerances_axes = [math.radians(1)] * 3 >>> start_configuration = Configuration.from_revolute_values([-0.042, 4.295, 0, -3.327, 4.755, 0.]) >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> goal_constraints = robot.constraints_from_frame(frame, tolerance_position, tolerances_axes, group) >>> robot.attached_tool = None >>> trajectory = robot.plan_motion(goal_constraints, start_configuration, group, {'planner_id': 'RRTConnectkConfigDefault'}) >>> trajectory.fraction 1.0 >>> # Example with joint constraints (to the UP configuration) >>> configuration = Configuration.from_revolute_values([0.0, -1.5707, 0.0, -1.5707, 0.0, 0.0]) >>> tolerances_above = [math.radians(5)] * len(configuration.values) >>> tolerances_below = [math.radians(5)] * len(configuration.values) >>> group = robot.main_group_name >>> goal_constraints = robot.constraints_from_configuration(configuration, tolerances_above, tolerances_below, group) >>> trajectory = robot.plan_motion(goal_constraints, start_configuration, group, {'planner_id': 'RRTConnectkConfigDefault'}) >>> trajectory.fraction 1.0 >>> type(trajectory) <class 'compas_fab.robots.trajectory.JointTrajectory'> """ options = options or {} path_constraints = options.get('path_constraints') attached_collision_meshes = options.get('attached_collision_meshes', []) # TODO: for the motion plan request a list of possible goal constraints # can be passed, from which the planner will try to find a path that # satisfies at least one of the specified goal constraints. For now only # one set of goal constraints is supported. # TODO: add workspace_parameters self.ensure_client() if not group: group = self.main_group_name # NOTE: start_configuration has to be a full robot configuration, such # that all configurable joints of the whole robot are defined for planning. start_configuration, start_configuration_scaled = self._check_full_configuration_and_scale(start_configuration) goal_constraints_WCF_scaled = [] for c in goal_constraints: cp = c.copy() if c.type == Constraint.JOINT: joint = self.get_joint_by_name(c.joint_name) if joint.is_scalable(): cp.scale(1. / self.scale_factor) else: cp.scale(1. / self.scale_factor) goal_constraints_WCF_scaled.append(cp) # Transform path constraints to RCF and scale if path_constraints: path_constraints_WCF_scaled = [] for c in path_constraints: cp = c.copy() if c.type == Constraint.JOINT: joint = self.get_joint_by_name(c.joint_name) if joint.is_scalable(): cp.scale(1. / self.scale_factor) else: cp.scale(1. / self.scale_factor) path_constraints_WCF_scaled.append(cp) else: path_constraints_WCF_scaled = None if self.attached_tool: attached_collision_meshes.extend(self.attached_tool.attached_collision_meshes) options['attached_collision_meshes'] = attached_collision_meshes options['path_constraints'] = path_constraints_WCF_scaled trajectory = self.client.plan_motion( robot=self, goal_constraints=goal_constraints_WCF_scaled, start_configuration=start_configuration_scaled, group=group, options=options, ) # Scale everything back to robot's scale for pt in trajectory.points: pt.scale(self.scale_factor) trajectory.start_configuration.scale(self.scale_factor) return trajectory
[docs] def plan_motion_deprecated(self, goal_constraints, start_configuration=None, group=None, path_constraints=None, planner_id='RRTConnectkConfigDefault', num_planning_attempts=1, allowed_planning_time=2., max_velocity_scaling_factor=1., max_acceleration_scaling_factor=1., attached_collision_meshes=None): return self.plan_motion(goal_constraints, start_configuration, group, options=dict( path_constraints=path_constraints, planner_id=planner_id, num_planning_attempts=num_planning_attempts, allowed_planning_time=allowed_planning_time, max_velocity_scaling_factor=max_velocity_scaling_factor, max_acceleration_scaling_factor=max_acceleration_scaling_factor, attached_collision_meshes=attached_collision_meshes, ))
[docs] def transformed_frames(self, configuration, group=None): """Get the robot's transformed frames. Parameters ---------- configuration : :class:`Configuration` Configuration to compute transformed frames for. group : :obj:`str`, optional The planning group used for the calculation. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` """ if not len(configuration.joint_names): configuration.joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) joint_state = dict(zip(configuration.joint_names, configuration.values)) return self.model.transformed_frames(joint_state)
[docs] def transformed_axes(self, configuration, group=None): """Get the robot's transformed axes. Parameters ---------- configuration : :class:`Configuration` Configuration to compute transformed axes for. group : :obj:`str`, optional The planning group used for the calculation. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`compas.geometry.Vector` """ if not len(configuration.joint_names): configuration.joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) joint_state = dict(zip(configuration.joint_names, configuration.values)) return self.model.transformed_axes(joint_state)
# ========================================================================== # drawing # ==========================================================================
[docs] def update(self, configuration, group=None, visual=True, collision=True): """Update the robot's geometry. Parameters ---------- configuration : :class:`Configuration` Instance of the configuration (joint state) to move to. group : :obj:`str`, optional The name of the group to plan for. Defaults to the robot's main planning group. visual : :obj:`bool`, optional ``True`` if the visual geometry should be also updated, otherwise ``False``. Defaults to ``True``. collision : :obj:`bool`, optional ``True`` if the collision geometry should be also updated, otherwise ``False``. Defaults to ``True``. """ group = group or self.main_group_name if self.semantics else None if not len(configuration.joint_names): configuration.joint_names = self.get_configurable_joint_names(group) joint_state = dict(zip(configuration.joint_names, configuration.values)) self.artist.update(joint_state, visual, collision)
[docs] def draw_visual(self): """Draw the robot's visual geometry using the defined :attr:`Robot.artist`.""" return self.artist.draw_visual()
[docs] def draw_collision(self): """Draw the robot's collision geometry using the defined :attr:`Robot.artist`.""" return self.artist.draw_collision()
[docs] def draw(self): """Alias of :meth:`draw_visual`.""" return self.draw_visual()
# TODO: add artist.draw_attached_tool # def draw_attached_tool(self): # """Draw the attached tool using the defined :attr:`Robot.artist`.""" # if self.artist and self.attached_tool: # return self.artist.draw_attached_tool()
[docs] def scale(self, factor): """Scale the robot geometry by a factor (absolute). Parameters ---------- factor : :obj:`float` The factor to scale the robot with. Returns ------- ``None`` """ self.model.scale(factor) if self.artist: self.artist.scale(factor) else: self._scale_factor = factor
@property def scale_factor(self): """:obj:`float`: Robot's scale factor.""" if self.artist: return self.artist.scale_factor else: return self._scale_factor
[docs] def info(self): """Print information about the robot.""" print("The robot's name is '%s'." % if self.semantics: print("The planning groups are:", self.group_names) print("The main planning group is '%s'." % self.main_group_name) configurable_joints = self.get_configurable_joints( self.main_group_name) else: configurable_joints = self.get_configurable_joints() print("The end-effector's name is '%s'." % self.get_end_effector_link_name()) if self.attached_tool: print("The robot has a tool at the %s link attached." % self.attached_tool.link_name) else: print("The robot has NO tool attached.") print("The base link's name is '%s'" % self.get_base_link_name()) print("The base_frame is:", self.get_base_frame()) print("The robot's joints are:") for joint in configurable_joints: info = "\t* '%s' is of type '%s'" % (, list(Joint.SUPPORTED_TYPES)[joint.type]) if joint.limit: info += " and has limits [%.3f, %.3f]" % ( joint.limit.upper, joint.limit.lower) print(info) print("The robot's links are:") print([ for link in self.model.links])