This package contains classes backends for simulation, planning and execution.
Interface to run simulations using VREP as the engine for kinematics and path planning. |
Implement the planner backend interface for V-REP |
Interface to use ROS as backend via the rosbridge. |
Allows to retrieve the mesh files specified in the robot model from the ROS File Server. |
Implement the planner backend interface based on MoveIt! |
Interface to use pybullet as backend. |
Implement the planner backend interface for PyBullet. |
Base case for exceptions in |
Long-running tasks
Represents a future result value. |
Represents a future result of a long-running asynchronous operation that can be cancelled. |
Indicates an exceptional state that caused an error within the backend engine. |
Exception raised when two objects have been found to be in collision in PyBullet. |
Exception raised when no IK solution can be found in PyBullet. |
Wraps an exception that occurred on the communication with ROS. |
Wraps an exception that occurred on validation of a ROS response. |
Wraps an exception that occurred inside the simulation engine. |
For details about integrating new backends, check the Backend Client Architecture documentation.