
Robot.position_constraint_from_frame(frame_WCF, tolerance_position, group=None, use_attached_tool_frame=True)[source]

Create a position constraint from a frame on the group’s end-effector link.

  • frame_WCF (compas.geometry.Frame) – The frame from which we create position and orientation constraints.

  • tolerance_position (float) – The allowed tolerance to the frame’s position (defined in the robot’s units).

  • group (str, optional) – The planning group for which we specify the constraint. Defaults to the robot’s main planning group.

  • use_attached_tool_frame (bool, optional) – If True and there is a tool attached to the planning group, it will use its TCF instead of the T0CF to create the constraints. Defaults to True.




The rotation tolerance for an axis is defined by the other vector component values for rotation around corresponding axis. If you specify the tolerances_axes vector with [0.01, 0.01, 6.3], it means that the frame’s x-axis and y-axis are allowed to rotate about the z-axis by an angle of 6.3 radians, whereas the z-axis would only rotate by 0.01.


>>> frame = Frame([0.4, 0.3, 0.4], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1])
>>> tolerance_position = 0.001
>>> robot.position_constraint_from_frame(frame, tolerance_position)
PositionConstraint('ee_link', BoundingVolume(2, Sphere(Point(0.400, 0.300, 0.400), 0.001)), 1.0)