
Problem.show_displacements(component=3, step=None, style='contour', deformed=False, width=1600, height=900, model_sf=1.0, **kwargs)

Display the displacement of the nodes.

componentint, optional

The component to display, by default 3. Choose among [1, 2, 3, ‘magnitude’]

stepcompas_fea2.problem.Step, optional

The step to show the results of, by default None. if not provided, the last step of the analysis is used.

stylestr, optional

The style of the results, by default ‘contour’. You can choose between [‘contour’, ‘vector’].

deformedbool, optional

Choose if to display on the deformed configuration or not, by default False

widthint, optional

Width of the viewer window, by default 1600

heightint, optional

Height of the viewer window, by default 900


The style can be either ‘vector’ or ‘contour’.