Source code for compas_slicer.geometry.print_point

from compas.geometry import Point, Frame, Vector, cross_vectors
import compas_slicer.utilities.utils as utils
import compas

__all__ = ['PrintPoint']

[docs]class PrintPoint(object): """ A PrintPoint consists of a compas.geometry.Point, and additional attributes related to the printing process. Attributes ---------- pt: :class:`compas.geometry.Point` A compas Point consisting out of x, y, z coordinates. layer_height: float The distance between the point on this layer and the previous layer. For planar slicing this is the vertical distance, for curved slicing this is absolute distance. mesh_normal: :class:`compas.geometry.Vector` Normal of the mesh at this PrintPoint. For planar_slicing it is the projection of the normal on the XY plane. # TODO: should we change that? up_vector: :class:`compas.geometry.Vector` Vector in up direction. For planar slicing this corresponds to the z axis, for curved slicing it varies. frame: :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Frame with x-axis pointing up, y-axis pointing towards the mesh normal. extruder_toggle: bool True if extruder should be on (when printing), False if it should be off (when travelling). velocity: float Velocity to use for printing (print speed), in mm/s. wait_time: float Time in seconds to wait at this PrintPoint. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pt, layer_height, mesh_normal): assert isinstance(pt, compas.geometry.Point) assert isinstance(mesh_normal, compas.geometry.Vector) assert layer_height # --- basic printpoint = pt self.layer_height = layer_height self.mesh_normal = mesh_normal # compas.geometry.Vector self.up_vector = Vector(0, 0, 1) # default value that can be updated self.frame = self.get_frame() # compas.geometry.Frame # --- attributes transferred from the mesh (vertex / face attributes) self.attributes = {} # dict. To fill this in, # --- print_organization related attributes self.extruder_toggle = None # bool self.velocity = None # float (mm/s) self.wait_time = None # float (sec) self.blend_radius = None # float (mm) # --- relation to support self.closest_support_pt = None # <compas.geometry.Point> self.distance_to_support = None # float self.is_feasible = True # bool
def __repr__(self): x, y, z =[0],[1],[2] return "<PrintPoint object at (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)>" % (x, y, z)
[docs] def get_frame(self): """ Returns a Frame with x-axis pointing up, y-axis pointing towards the mesh normal. """ c = cross_vectors(self.up_vector, self.mesh_normal) return Frame(, c, self.mesh_normal)
################################# # --- To data , from data
[docs] def to_data(self): """Returns a dictionary of structured data representing the data structure. TODO: The attributes of the printpoints are not saved in the dictionary because they can be non-Json serializable. Find a solution for this. Returns ------- dict The PrintPoints' data. """ point = { 'point': [[0],[1],[2]], 'layer_height': self.layer_height, 'mesh_normal': self.mesh_normal.to_data(), 'up_vector': self.up_vector.to_data(), 'frame': self.frame.to_data(), 'extruder_toggle': self.extruder_toggle, 'velocity': self.velocity, 'wait_time': self.wait_time, 'blend_radius': self.blend_radius, 'closest_support_pt': self.closest_support_pt.to_data() if self.closest_support_pt else None, 'distance_to_support': self.distance_to_support, 'is_feasible': self.is_feasible, 'attributes': utils.get_jsonable_attributes(self.attributes) } return point
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct a PrintPoint from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data: dict The data dictionary. Returns ------- layer The constructed PrintPoint. """ pp = cls(pt=Point.from_data(data['point']), layer_height=data['layer_height'], mesh_normal=Vector.from_data(data['mesh_normal'])) pp.up_vector = Vector.from_data(data['up_vector']) pp.frame = Frame.from_data(data['frame']) pp.extruder_toggle = data['extruder_toggle'] pp.velocity = data['velocity'] pp.wait_time = data['wait_time'] pp.blend_radius = data['blend_radius'] pp.closest_support_pt = Point.from_data(data['closest_support_pt']) pp.distance_to_support = data['distance_to_support'] pp.is_feasible = data['is_feasible'] pp.attributes = data['attributes'] return pp
if __name__ == "__main__": pass