5. Non-planar slicing on custom base

In this example we describe the process of non-planar slicing of a mesh, generating paths that are an offset to its custom base. We are using the ScalarFieldSlicer, which generates paths as contours of a scalar field defined on every vertex of the mesh. In this case we create a scalar field with the distance of each vertex from the custom base.


Result of scalar field slicing considering the distance of each vertex from the custom base.

import logging
from compas.geometry import distance_point_point
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
import os
import compas_slicer.utilities as slicer_utils
from compas_slicer.post_processing import simplify_paths_rdp_igl
from compas_slicer.slicers import ScalarFieldSlicer
import compas_slicer.utilities as utils
from compas_slicer.print_organization import ScalarFieldPrintOrganizer

logger = logging.getLogger('logger')
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s-%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
OUTPUT_PATH = slicer_utils.get_output_directory(DATA_PATH)
MODEL = 'geom_to_slice.obj'
BASE = 'custom_base.obj'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # --- load meshes
    mesh = Mesh.from_obj(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, MODEL))
    base = Mesh.from_obj(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, BASE))

    # --- Create per-vertex scalar field (distance of every vertex from the custom base)
    pts = [mesh.vertex_coordinates(v_key, axes='xyz') for v_key in
           mesh.vertices()]  # list of the vertex coordinates of the mesh as compas.geometry.Point instances
    _, projected_pts = utils.pull_pts_to_mesh_faces(base, pts)  # list with projections of all mesh vertices on the mesh
    u = [distance_point_point(pt, proj_pt) for pt, proj_pt in
         zip(pts, projected_pts)]  # list with distance between initial+projected pts (one per vertex)
    utils.save_to_json(u, OUTPUT_PATH, 'distance_field.json')  # save distance field to json for visualization

    # --- assign the scalar field to the mesh's attributes, under the name 'scalar_field'
    mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes({'scalar_field': 0.0})
    for i, (v_key, data) in enumerate(mesh.vertices(data=True)):
        data['scalar_field'] = u[i]

    # --- Slice model by generating contours of scalar field
    slicer = ScalarFieldSlicer(mesh, u, no_of_isocurves=50)
    slicer_utils.save_to_json(slicer.to_data(), OUTPUT_PATH, 'isocontours.json')  # save results to json

    # --- Print organization calculations (i.e. generation of printpoints with fabrication-related information)
    simplify_paths_rdp_igl(slicer, threshold=0.3)
    print_organizer = ScalarFieldPrintOrganizer(slicer, parameters={}, DATA_PATH=DATA_PATH)

    printpoints_data = print_organizer.output_printpoints_dict()
    utils.save_to_json(printpoints_data, OUTPUT_PATH, 'out_printpoints.json')  # save results to json