Source code for compas_slicer.post_processing.generate_raft

import logging
import math

import compas_slicer
from compas_slicer.geometry import Layer
from compas_slicer.geometry import Path

from compas.geometry import Point
from compas.geometry import Line
from compas.geometry import Vector
from compas.geometry import bounding_box_xy
from compas.geometry import offset_polygon
from compas.geometry import intersection_line_line
from compas.geometry import offset_line

logger = logging.getLogger('logger')

__all__ = ['generate_raft']

[docs]def generate_raft(slicer, raft_offset=10, distance_between_paths=10, direction="xy_diagonal", raft_layers=1, raft_layer_height=None): """Creates a raft. Parameters ---------- slicer: :class:`compas_slicer.slicers.BaseSlicer` An instance of one of the compas_slicer.slicers.BaseSlicer classes. raft_offset: float Distance (in mm) that the raft should be offsetted from the first layer. Defaults to 10mm distance_between_paths: float Distance (in mm) between the printed lines of the raft. Defaults to 10mm direction: str x_axis: Create a raft aligned with the x_axis y_axis: Create a raft aligned with the y_axis xy_diagonal: Create a raft int the diagonal direction in the xy_plane raft_layers: int Number of raft layers to add. Defaults to 1 raft_layer_height: float Layer height of the raft layers. Defaults to same value as used in the slicer. """ # check if a raft_layer_height is specified, if not, use the slicer.layer_height value if not raft_layer_height: raft_layer_height = slicer.layer_height"Generating raft") # find if slicer has vertical or horizontal layers, and select which paths are to be offset. if isinstance(slicer.layers[0], compas_slicer.geometry.VerticalLayer): # Vertical layers # then find all paths that lie on the print platform and make them brim. paths_to_offset, _ = slicer.find_vertical_layers_with_first_path_on_base() else: # Horizontal layers # then replace the first layer with a raft layer. paths_to_offset = slicer.layers[0].paths # get flat lists of points in bottom layer all_pts = [] for path in paths_to_offset: for pt in path.points: all_pts.append(pt) # get xy bounding box of bottom layer and create offset bb_xy = bounding_box_xy(all_pts) bb_xy_offset = offset_polygon(bb_xy, -raft_offset) # bring points in the xy_offset to the correct height for pt in bb_xy_offset: pt[2] = slicer.layers[0].paths[0].points[0][2] # calculate x range, y range, and number of steps x_range = abs(bb_xy_offset[0][0] - bb_xy_offset[1][0]) y_range = abs(bb_xy_offset[0][1] - bb_xy_offset[3][1]) # get maximum values of the bounding box bb_max_x_right = bb_xy_offset[1][0] bb_max_y_top = bb_xy_offset[3][1] # get point in bottom left corner as raft start point raft_start_pt = Point(bb_xy_offset[0][0], bb_xy_offset[0][1], bb_xy_offset[0][2]) # create starting line for diagonal direction if direction == "xy_diagonal": c = math.sqrt(2*(distance_between_paths**2)) pt1 = Point(raft_start_pt[0] + c, raft_start_pt[1], raft_start_pt[2]) pt2 = Point(pt1[0] - y_range, pt1[1] + y_range, pt1[2]) line = Line(pt1, pt2) # move all points in the slicer up so that raft layers can be inserted for i, layer in enumerate(slicer.layers): for j, path in enumerate(layer.paths): for k, pt in enumerate(path.points): slicer.layers[i].paths[j].points[k] = Point(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2] + (raft_layers)*raft_layer_height) for i in range(raft_layers): iter = 0 raft_points = [] # create raft points depending on the chosen direction while iter < 9999: # to avoid infinite while loop in case something is not correct # =============== # VERTICAL RAFT # =============== if direction == "y_axis": raft_pt1 = Point(raft_start_pt[0] + iter*distance_between_paths, raft_start_pt[1], raft_start_pt[2] + i*raft_layer_height) raft_pt2 = Point(raft_start_pt[0] + iter*distance_between_paths, raft_start_pt[1] + y_range, raft_start_pt[2] + i*raft_layer_height) if raft_pt2[0] > bb_max_x_right or raft_pt1[0] > bb_max_x_right: break # =============== # HORIZONTAL RAFT # =============== elif direction == "x_axis": raft_pt1 = Point(raft_start_pt[0], raft_start_pt[1] + iter*distance_between_paths, raft_start_pt[2] + i*raft_layer_height) raft_pt2 = Point(raft_start_pt[0] + x_range, raft_start_pt[1] + iter*distance_between_paths, raft_start_pt[2] + i*raft_layer_height) if raft_pt2[1] > bb_max_y_top or raft_pt1[1] > bb_max_y_top: break # =============== # DIAGONAL RAFT # =============== elif direction == "xy_diagonal": # create offset of the initial diagonal line offset_l = offset_line(line, iter*distance_between_paths, Vector(0, 0, -1)) # get intersections for the initial diagonal line with the left and bottom of the bb int_left = intersection_line_line(offset_l, [bb_xy_offset[0], bb_xy_offset[3]]) int_bottom = intersection_line_line(offset_l, [bb_xy_offset[0], bb_xy_offset[1]]) # get the points at the intersections raft_pt1 = Point(int_left[0][0], int_left[0][1], int_left[0][2] + i*raft_layer_height) raft_pt2 = Point(int_bottom[0][0], int_bottom[0][1], int_bottom[0][2] + i*raft_layer_height) # if the intersection goes beyond the height of the left side of the bounding box: if int_left[0][1] > bb_max_y_top: # create intersection with the top side int_top = intersection_line_line(offset_l, [bb_xy_offset[3], bb_xy_offset[2]]) raft_pt1 = Point(int_top[0][0], int_top[0][1], int_top[0][2] + i*raft_layer_height) # if intersection goes beyond the length of the top side, break if raft_pt1[0] > bb_max_x_right: break # if the intersection goes beyond the length of the bottom side of the bounding box: if int_bottom[0][0] > bb_max_x_right: # create intersection with the right side int_right = intersection_line_line(offset_l, [bb_xy_offset[1], bb_xy_offset[2]]) raft_pt2 = Point(int_right[0][0], int_right[0][1], int_right[0][2] + i*raft_layer_height) # if intersection goes beyond the height of the right side, break if raft_pt2[1] > bb_xy_offset[2][1]: break # append to list alternating if iter % 2 == 0: raft_points.extend((raft_pt1, raft_pt2)) else: raft_points.extend((raft_pt2, raft_pt1)) iter += 1 # create raft layer raft_layer = Layer([Path(raft_points, is_closed=False)]) raft_layer.is_raft = True # insert raft layer in the correct position into the slicer slicer.layers.insert(i, raft_layer)
if __name__ == "__main__": pass