from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from functools import partial
import compas_rhino
from compas_rhino.artists._artist import BaseArtist
from compas.utilities import color_to_colordict
from compas.geometry import centroid_points
colordict = partial(color_to_colordict, colorformat='rgb', normalize=False)
__all__ = ['VolMeshArtist']
[docs]class VolMeshArtist(BaseArtist):
"""Artist for drawing volmesh data structures.
volmesh : :class:`compas.datastructures.VolMesh`
A COMPAS volmesh.
layer : str, optional
The name of the layer that will contain the volmesh.
volmesh : :class:`compas.datastructures.VolMesh`
The COMPAS volmesh associated with the artist.
layer : str
The layer in which the volmesh should be contained.
color_vertices : 3-tuple
Default color of the vertices.
color_edges : 3-tuple
Default color of the edges.
color_faces : 3-tuple
Default color of the faces.
def __init__(self, volmesh, layer=None):
super(VolMeshArtist, self).__init__()
self._volmesh = None
self._vertex_xyz = None
self.volmesh = volmesh
self.layer = layer
self.color_vertices = (255, 255, 255)
self.color_edges = (0, 0, 0)
self.color_faces = (210, 210, 210)
self.color_cells = (255, 0, 0)
def volmesh(self):
return self._volmesh
def volmesh(self, volmesh):
self._volmesh = volmesh
self._vertex_xyz = None
def vertex_xyz(self):
if not self._vertex_xyz:
self._vertex_xyz = {vertex: self.volmesh.vertex_attributes(vertex, 'xyz') for vertex in self.volmesh.vertices()}
return self._vertex_xyz
def vertex_xyz(self, vertex_xyz):
self._vertex_xyz = vertex_xyz
[docs] def clear_by_name(self):
"""Clear all objects in the "namespace" of the associated volmesh."""
guids = compas_rhino.get_objects(name="{}.*".format(
compas_rhino.delete_objects(guids, purge=True)
[docs] def clear_layer(self):
"""Clear the main layer of the artist."""
if self.layer:
[docs] def draw(self, settings=None):
"""Draw the volmesh using the chosen visualisation settings.
settings : dict, optional
Dictionary of visualisation settings that will be merged with the settings of the artist.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def draw_vertices(self, vertices=None, color=None):
"""Draw a selection of vertices.
vertices : list
A list of vertices to draw.
Default is ``None``, in which case all vertices are drawn.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color specififcation for the vertices.
The default color of the vertices is ``(255, 255, 255)``.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
vertices = vertices or list(self.volmesh.vertices())
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
vertex_color = colordict(color, vertices, default=self.color_vertices)
points = []
for vertex in vertices:
'pos': vertex_xyz[vertex],
'name': "{}.vertex.{}".format(, vertex),
'color': vertex_color[vertex]})
return compas_rhino.draw_points(points, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
[docs] def draw_edges(self, edges=None, color=None):
"""Draw a selection of edges.
edges : list
A list of edges to draw.
The default is ``None``, in which case all edges are drawn.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color specififcation for the edges.
The default color is ``(0, 0, 0)``.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
edges = edges or list(self.volmesh.edges())
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
edge_color = colordict(color, edges, default=self.color_edges)
lines = []
for edge in edges:
'start': vertex_xyz[edge[0]],
'end': vertex_xyz[edge[1]],
'color': edge_color[edge],
'name': "{}.edge.{}-{}".format(, *edge)})
return compas_rhino.draw_lines(lines, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
[docs] def draw_faces(self, faces=None, color=None):
"""Draw a selection of faces.
faces : list
A list of faces to draw.
The default is ``None``, in which case all faces are drawn.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color specififcation for the faces.
The default color is ``(210, 210, 210)``.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
faces = faces or list(self.volmesh.faces())
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
face_color = colordict(color, faces, default=self.color_faces)
facets = []
for face in faces:
'points': [vertex_xyz[vertex] for vertex in self.volmesh.halfface_vertices(face)],
'name': "{}.face.{}".format(, face),
'color': face_color[face]})
return compas_rhino.draw_faces(facets, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
[docs] def draw_cells(self, cells=None, color=None):
"""Draw a selection of cells.
cells : list
A list of cells to draw.
The default is ``None``, in which case all cells are drawn.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color specififcation for the cells.
The default color is ``(255, 0, 0)``.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
Every cell is drawn as an individual mesh.
cells = cells or list(self.volmesh.cells())
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
cell_color = colordict(color, cells, default=self.color_cells)
meshes = []
for cell in cells:
cell_faces = []
for fkey in self.volmesh.cell_faces(cell):
'points': [vertex_xyz[vertex] for vertex in self.volmesh.face_vertices(fkey)],
'name': "{}.cell.{}.face.{}".format(, cell, fkey),
'color': cell_color[cell]})
guids = compas_rhino.draw_faces(cell_faces, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
guid =, delete_input=True), self.layer), '{}.cell.{}'.format(, cell)), cell_color[cell])
return meshes
[docs] def draw_vertexlabels(self, text=None, color=None):
"""Draw labels for a selection vertices.
text : dict
A dictionary of vertex labels as vertex-text pairs.
The default value is ``None``, in which case every vertex will be labelled with its key.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color sepcification of the labels.
The default color is the same as the color of the vertices.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
if not text or text == 'key':
vertex_text = {vertex: str(vertex) for vertex in self.volmesh.vertices()}
elif text == 'index':
vertex_text = {vertex: str(index) for index, vertex in enumerate(self.volmesh.vertices())}
elif isinstance(text, dict):
vertex_text = text
raise NotImplementedError
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
vertex_color = colordict(color, vertex_text.keys(), default=self.color_vertices)
labels = []
for vertex in vertex_text:
'pos': vertex_xyz[vertex],
'name': "{}.vertexlabel.{}".format(, vertex),
'color': vertex_color[vertex],
'text': vertex_text[vertex]})
return compas_rhino.draw_labels(labels, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
[docs] def draw_edgelabels(self, text=None, color=None):
"""Draw labels for a selection of edges.
text : dict
A dictionary of edge labels as edge-text pairs.
The default value is ``None``, in which case every edge will be labelled with its key.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color sepcification of the labels.
The default color is tha same as the color of the edges.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
if text is None:
edge_text = {edge: "{}-{}".format(*edge) for edge in self.volmesh.edges()}
elif isinstance(text, dict):
edge_text = text
raise NotImplementedError
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
edge_color = colordict(color, edge_text.keys(), default=self.color_edges)
labels = []
for edge in edge_text:
'pos': centroid_points([vertex_xyz[edge[0]], vertex_xyz[edge[1]]]),
'name': "{}.edgelabel.{}-{}".format(, *edge),
'color': edge_color[edge],
'text': edge_text[edge]})
return compas_rhino.draw_labels(labels, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
[docs] def draw_facelabels(self, text=None, color=None):
"""Draw labels for a selection of faces.
text : dict
A dictionary of face labels as face-text pairs.
The default value is ``None``, in which case every face will be labelled with its key.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color sepcification of the labels.
The default color is the same as the color of the faces.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
if not text or text == 'key':
face_text = {face: str(face) for face in self.volmesh.faces()}
elif text == 'index':
face_text = {face: str(index) for index, face in enumerate(self.volmesh.faces())}
elif isinstance(text, dict):
face_text = text
raise NotImplementedError
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
face_color = colordict(color, face_text.keys(), default=self.color_faces)
labels = []
for face in face_text:
'pos': centroid_points([vertex_xyz[vertex] for vertex in self.volmesh.face_vertices(face)]),
'name': "{}.facelabel.{}".format(, face),
'color': face_color[face],
'text': face_text[face]})
return compas_rhino.draw_labels(labels, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
[docs] def draw_celllabels(self, text=None, color=None):
"""Draw labels for cells.
text : dict
A dictionary of cell labels as cell-text pairs.
The default value is ``None``, in which case every cell will be labelled with its key.
color : str, tuple, dict
The color sepcification of the labels.
The default color is the same as the color of the cells.
The GUIDs of the created Rhino objects.
if not text or text == 'key':
cell_text = {cell: str(cell) for cell in self.volmesh.cells()}
elif text == 'index':
cell_text = {cell: str(index) for index, cell in enumerate(self.volmesh.cells())}
elif isinstance(text, dict):
cell_text = text
raise NotImplementedError
vertex_xyz = self.vertex_xyz
cell_color = colordict(color, cell_text.keys(), default=self.color_cells)
labels = []
for cell in cell_text:
'pos': centroid_points([vertex_xyz[vertex] for vertex in self.volmesh.cell_vertices(cell)]),
'name': "{}.facelabel.{}".format(, cell),
'color': cell_color[cell],
'text': cell_text[cell]})
return compas_rhino.draw_labels(labels, layer=self.layer, clear=False, redraw=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":