- compas.numerical.devo_numpy(fn, bounds, population, generations, limit=0, elites=0.2, F=0.8, CR=0.5, polish=False, args=(), plot=False, frange=[], printout=10, neutrals=0.05, **kwargs)[source]
Call the Differential Evolution solver.
- Parameters
fn (obj) – The function to evaluate and minimize.
bounds (list) – Lower and upper bounds for each DoF [[lb, ub], …].
population (int) – Number of starting agents in the population.
generations (int) – Number of cross-over cycles/steps to perform.
limit (float) – Value of the objective function to terminate optimisation.
elites (float) – Fraction of elite agents kept.
F (float) – Differential evolution parameter.
CR (float) – Differential evolution cross-over ratio parameter.
polish (bool) – Polish the final result with L-BFGS-B.
args (seq) – Sequence of optional arguments to pass to fn.
plot (bool) – Plot progress.
frange (list) – Minimum and maximum f value to plot.
printout (int) – Print progress to screen.
neutrals (float) – Fraction of neutral starting agents.
- Returns
float – Optimal value of objective function.
list – Values that give the optimum (minimized) function.
>>> from scipy.optimize import rosen >>> def f(u, *args): ... return rosen(u.ravel()) ... >>> x0 = [1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2] >>> bounds = [[-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0]] >>> res = devo_numpy(f, bounds, 200, 1000, polish=False, plot=False, frange=[0, 100], neutrals=0, printout=0)