
COMPAS is an open-source, Python-based framework for computational research and collaboration in architecture, engineering, fabrication and construction. It offers a wide range of functionality for the analysis, planning, and simulation of complex and bespoke architectural and engineering systems.

The Framework

The framework consists of a core library (compas), core extensions (compas_cgal, compas_libigl, compas_occ, compas_gmsh), a standalone viewer (compas_view2), dedicated integrations for Rhino (compas_rhino), Grasshopper (compas_ghpython), and Blender (compas_blender), and a growing number of packages for specific tasks in the AEC domain, such as:

  • compas_fab for robotic fabrication

  • compas_dem for discrete element modelling

  • compas_fea for finite element analysis

  • compas_fdm for constrained form finding

  • compas_ifc for building information modelling

This documentation is primarily about the core library, but it also contains information about the dedicated CAD integrations, and, where relevant, the reader is referred to the documentation of core extensions and some of the AEC packages.


The development of the core infrastructure of COMPAS is coordinated on GitHub at the compas-dev organisation.

COMPAS Association