
Robot.constraints_from_configuration(configuration, tolerances, group=None)[source]

Returns joint constraints on all joints of the configuration.

  • configuration (compas_fab.robots.Configuration) – The target configuration.

  • tolerances (list of float) – The tolerances (as +/-) on each of the joints defining the bound in radian to be achieved. If only one value is passed it will be used to create bounds for all joint constraints.

  • group (str, optional) – The planning group for which we specify the constraint. Defaults to the robot’s main planning group.


>>> configuration = Configuration.from_revolute_values([-0.042, 4.295, -4.110, -3.327, 4.755, 0.])
>>> tolerances = [math.radians(5)] * 6
>>> group = robot.main_group_name
>>> robot.constraints_from_configuration(configuration, tolerances, group)
[JointConstraint('shoulder_pan_joint', -0.042, 0.08726646259971647, 1.0),         JointConstraint('shoulder_lift_joint', 4.295, 0.08726646259971647, 1.0),         JointConstraint('elbow_joint', -4.11, 0.08726646259971647, 1.0),         JointConstraint('wrist_1_joint', -3.327, 0.08726646259971647, 1.0),         JointConstraint('wrist_2_joint', 4.755, 0.08726646259971647, 1.0),         JointConstraint('wrist_3_joint', 0.0, 0.08726646259971647, 1.0)]
  • ValueError – If the passed configuration does not correspond to the group.

  • ValueError – If the passed tolerances have a different length than the configuration.


Check for using the correct tolerance units for prismatic and revolute joints.