Basics.2 Query Entities

This example shows how to query entities from an IFC model.

from compas_ifc.model import Model

model = Model("data/wall-with-opening-and-window.ifc")

print("\n" + "*" * 53)
print("Query Examples")
print("*" * 53 + "\n")

print("\nEntities by type")
print("=" * 53 + "\n")

all_entities = model.get_all_entities()
spatial_elements = model.get_entities_by_type("IfcSpatialElement")
building_elements = model.get_entities_by_type("IfcBuildingElement")

print("Total number of entities: ", len(all_entities))
for entity in all_entities[-5:]:

print("Total number of spatial elements: ", len(spatial_elements))
for entity in spatial_elements[-5:]:

print("Total number of building elements: ", len(building_elements))
for entity in building_elements[-5:]:

print("\nEntities by name")
print("=" * 53 + "\n")

name = "Window for Test Example"
entities = model.get_entities_by_name(name)
print("Found entities with the name: {}".format(name))

print("\nEntities by id")
print("=" * 53 + "\n")

global_id = "3ZYW59sxj8lei475l7EhLU"
entity = model.get_entity_by_global_id(global_id)
print("Found entity with the global id: {}".format(global_id))
print(entity, "\n")

id = 1
entity = model.get_entity_by_id(id)
print("Found entity with the id: {}".format(id))

Example Output:

Query Examples

Entities by type

Total number of entities:  133
<Project:IfcProject Name: Default Project, GlobalId: 28hypXUBvBefc20SI8kfA$>

Total number of spatial elements:  3
<BuildingStorey:IfcBuildingStorey Name: Default Building Storey, GlobalId: 2GNgSHJ5j9BRUjqT$7tE8w>
<Building:IfcBuilding Name: Default Building, GlobalId: 0AqAhXVxvCy9m0OX1nxY1A>
<Site:IfcSite Name: Default Site, GlobalId: 1cwlDi_hLEvPsClAelBNnz>

Total number of building elements:  2
<Window:IfcWindow Name: Window for Test Example, GlobalId: 0tA4DSHd50le6Ov9Yu0I9X>
<Wall:IfcWallStandardCase Name: Wall for Test Example, GlobalId: 3ZYW59sxj8lei475l7EhLU>

Entities by name

Found entities with the name: Window for Test Example
[<ObjectDefinition:IfcWindowType Name: Window for Test Example, GlobalId: 0Ps4H3X0nAxfqkHNemLE6f>, <Window:IfcWindow Name: Window for Test Example, GlobalId: 0tA4DSHd50le6Ov9Yu0I9X>]

Entities by id

Found entity with the global id: 3ZYW59sxj8lei475l7EhLU
<Wall:IfcWall Name: Wall for Test Example, GlobalId: 3ZYW59sxj8lei475l7EhLU>

Found entity with the id: 1
<Project:IfcProject Name: Default Project, GlobalId: 28hypXUBvBefc20SI8kfA$>