
compas_slicer.print_organization.set_wait_time_based_on_extruder_toggle(print_organizer, wait_type, wait_time=0.3)[source]

Sets a wait time for the printpoints, either before extrusion starts, after extrusion finishes, or in both cases.

  • print_organizer (compas_slicer.print_organization.BasePrintOrganizer)

  • wait_type (str) – wait_before_extrusion: sets a wait time before extrusion (extruder_toggle False to True) wait_after_extrusion: sets a wait time after extrusion (extruder_toggle True to False) wait_before_and_after_extrusion: sets a wait time before, and after extrusion wait_at_sharp_corners: sets a wait time at the sharp corners of the path

  • wait_time (float) – Time in seconds to introduce to add as a wait time