Source code for compas_slicer.geometry.layer

import logging
import compas_slicer
import compas_slicer.utilities.utils as utils
import numpy as np
from compas_slicer.geometry import Path

logger = logging.getLogger('logger')

__all__ = ['Layer',

[docs]class Layer(object): """ A Layer stores a group of ordered paths that are generated when a geometry is sliced. Layers are typically organized horizontally, but can also be organized vertically (see VerticalLayer). A Layer consists of one, or multiple Paths (depending on the geometry). Attributes ---------- paths: list :class:`compas_slicer.geometry.Path` is_brim: bool True if this layer is a brim layer. number_of_brim_offsets: int The number of brim offsets this layer has (None if no brim). is_raft: bool True if this layer is a raft layer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, paths): # check input if paths is None: paths = [] if len(paths) > 0: assert isinstance(paths[0], compas_slicer.geometry.Path) self.paths = paths self.min_max_z_height = (None, None) # Tuple containing the min and max z height of the layer. if paths: self.calculate_z_bounds() # brim self.is_brim = False self.number_of_brim_offsets = None # raft self.is_raft = False
def __repr__(self): no_of_paths = len(self.paths) if self.paths else 0 return "<Layer object with %i paths>" % no_of_paths @property def total_number_of_points(self): """Returns the total number of points within the layer.""" num = 0 for path in self.paths: num += len(path.printpoints) return num
[docs] def calculate_z_bounds(self): """ Fills in the attribute self.min_max_z_height. """ assert len(self.paths) > 0, "You cannot calculate z_bounds because the list of paths is empty." z_min = 2 ** 32 # very big number z_max = -2 ** 32 # very small number for path in self.paths: for pt in path.points: z_min = min(z_min, pt[2]) z_max = max(z_max, pt[2]) self.min_max_z_height = (z_min, z_max)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct a layer from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data: dict The data dictionary. Returns ------- layer The constructed layer. """ paths_data = data['paths'] paths = [Path.from_data(paths_data[key]) for key in paths_data] layer = cls(paths=paths) layer.is_brim = data['is_brim'] layer.number_of_brim_offsets = data['number_of_brim_offsets'] layer.min_max_z_height = data['min_max_z_height'] return layer
[docs] def to_data(self): """Returns a dictionary of structured data representing the data structure. Returns ------- dict The layer's data. """ data = {'paths': {i: [] for i in range(len(self.paths))}, 'layer_type': 'horizontal_layer', 'is_brim': self.is_brim, 'number_of_brim_offsets': self.number_of_brim_offsets, 'min_max_z_height': self.min_max_z_height} for i, path in enumerate(self.paths): data['paths'][i] = path.to_data() return data
class VerticalLayer(Layer): """ Vertical ordering. A VerticalLayer stores the print paths sorted in vertical groups. It is created with an empty list of paths that is filled in afterwards. Attributes ---------- id: int Identifier of vertical layer. """ def __init__(self, id=0, paths=None): Layer.__init__(self, paths=paths) = id self.head_centroid = None def __repr__(self): no_of_paths = len(self.paths) if self.paths else 0 return "<Vertical Layer object with id : %d and %d paths>" % (, no_of_paths) def append_(self, path): """ Add path to self.paths list. """ self.paths.append(path) self.compute_head_centroid() self.calculate_z_bounds() def compute_head_centroid(self): """ Find the centroid of all the points of the last path in the self.paths list""" pts = np.array(self.paths[-1].points) self.head_centroid = np.mean(pts, axis=0) def printout_details(self): """ Prints the details of the class. """"VerticalLayer id : %d" %"Total number of paths : %d" % len(self.paths)) def to_data(self): """Returns a dictionary of structured data representing the data structure. Returns ------- dict The vertical layer's data. """ data = {'paths': {i: [] for i in range(len(self.paths))}, 'min_max_z_height': self.min_max_z_height, 'layer_type': 'vertical_layer'} for i, path in enumerate(self.paths): data['paths'][i] = path.to_data() return data @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """Construct a vertical layer from its data representation. Parameters ---------- data: dict The data dictionary. Returns ------- layer The constructed vertical layer. """ paths_data = data['paths'] paths = [Path.from_data(paths_data[key]) for key in paths_data] layer = cls(id=None) layer.paths = paths layer.min_max_z_height = data['min_max_z_height'] return layer class VerticalLayersManager: """ Creates empty vertical layers and assigns to the input paths to the fitting vertical layer using the add() function. The criterion for grouping paths to VerticalLayers is based on the proximity of the centroids of the paths. If the input paths don't fit in any vertical layer, then new vertical layer is created with that path. Attributes ---------- threshold_max_centroid_dist: float. The maximum get_distance that the centroids of two successive paths can have to belong in the same VerticalLayer. max_paths_per_layer: int Maximum number of layers that a vertical layer can consist of. If None, then the vertical layer has an unlimited number of layers. """ def __init__(self, threshold_max_centroid_dist=25.0, max_paths_per_layer=None): self.layers = [VerticalLayer(id=0)] # vertical_layers_print_data that contain isocurves (compas_slicer.Path) self.threshold_max_centroid_dist = threshold_max_centroid_dist self.max_paths_per_layer = max_paths_per_layer def add(self, path): selected_layer = None # Find an eligible layer for path (called selected_layer) if len(self.layers[0].paths) == 0: # first path goes to first layer selected_layer = self.layers[0] else: # find the candidate segment for new isocurve centroid = np.mean(np.array(path.points), axis=0) other_centroids = get_vertical_layers_centroids_list(self.layers) candidate_layer = self.layers[utils.get_closest_pt_index(centroid, other_centroids)] if np.linalg.norm(candidate_layer.head_centroid - centroid) < self.threshold_max_centroid_dist: if self.max_paths_per_layer: if len(candidate_layer.paths) < self.max_paths_per_layer: selected_layer = candidate_layer else: selected_layer = candidate_layer if not selected_layer: # then create new layer selected_layer = VerticalLayer(id=self.layers[-1].id + 1) self.layers.append(selected_layer) selected_layer.append_(path) def get_vertical_layers_centroids_list(vert_layers): """ Returns a list with points that are the centroids of the heads of all vertical_layers_print_data. The head of a vertical_layer is its last path. """ head_centroids = [] for vert_layer in vert_layers: head_centroids.append(vert_layer.head_centroid) return head_centroids if __name__ == "__main__": pass