Source code for compas_slicer.post_processing.seams_align

import logging

from compas.geometry import Point
from compas.geometry import distance_point_point

logger = logging.getLogger('logger')

__all__ = ['seams_align']

[docs]def seams_align(slicer, align_with="next_path"): """Aligns the seams (start- and endpoint) of a print. Parameters ---------- slicer: :class:`compas_slicer.slicers.BaseSlicer` An instance of one of the compas_slicer.slicers classes. align_with: str or :class:`compas.geometry.Point` Direction to orient the seams in. next_path = orients the seam to the next path origin = orients the seam to the origin (0,0,0) x_axis = orients the seam to the x_axis y_axis = orients the seam to the y_axis Point(x,y,z) = orients the seam according to the given point Returns ------- None """ # TODO: Implement random seams"Aligning seams to: %s" % align_with) for i, layer in enumerate(slicer.layers): for j, path in enumerate(layer.paths): if align_with == "next_path": pt_to_align_with = None # make sure aligning point is cleared # determines the correct point to align the current path with if len(layer.paths) == 1 and i == 0: # if ONE PATH and FIRST LAYER # >>> align with second layer pt_to_align_with = slicer.layers[i + 1].paths[0].points[0] if len(layer.paths) == 1 and i != 0: last_path_index = len(slicer.layers[i - 1].paths) - 1 # if ONE PATH and NOT FIRST LAYER # >>> align with previous layer pt_to_align_with = slicer.layers[i - 1].paths[last_path_index].points[-1] if len(layer.paths) != 1 and i == 0 and j == 0: # if MULTIPLE PATHS and FIRST LAYER and FIRST PATH # >>> align with second path of first layer pt_to_align_with = slicer.layers[i].paths[i + 1].points[-1] if len(layer.paths) != 1 and j != 0: # if MULTIPLE PATHS and NOT FIRST PATH # >>> align with previous path pt_to_align_with = slicer.layers[i].paths[j - 1].points[-1] if len(layer.paths) != 1 and i != 0 and j == 0: # if MULTIPLE PATHS and NOT FIRST LAYER and FIRST PATH # >>> align with first path of previous layer last_path_index = len(slicer.layers[i - 1].paths) - 1 pt_to_align_with = slicer.layers[i - 1].paths[last_path_index].points[-1] elif align_with == "origin": pt_to_align_with = Point(0, 0, 0) elif align_with == "x_axis": pt_to_align_with = Point(2 ** 32, 0, 0) elif align_with == "y_axis": pt_to_align_with = Point(0, 2 ** 32, 0) elif isinstance(align_with, Point): pt_to_align_with = align_with else: raise NameError("Unknown align_with : " + str(align_with)) # CLOSED PATHS if path.is_closed: # get the points of the current layer and path path_to_change = layer.paths[j].points # check if start- and end-points are the same point if path_to_change[0] == path_to_change[-1]: first_last_point_the_same = True # if they are, remove the last point path_to_change.pop(-1) else: first_last_point_the_same = False # computes distance between pt_to_align_with and the current path points distance_current_pt_align_pt = [distance_point_point(pt_to_align_with, pt) for pt in path_to_change] # gets the index of the closest point by looking for the minimum new_start_index = distance_current_pt_align_pt.index(min(distance_current_pt_align_pt)) # shifts the list by the distance determined shift_list = path_to_change[new_start_index:] + path_to_change[:new_start_index] if first_last_point_the_same: shift_list = shift_list + [shift_list[0]] layer.paths[j].points = shift_list else: # OPEN PATHS path_to_change = layer.paths[j].points # get the distance between the align point and the start/end point start = path_to_change[0] end = path_to_change[-1] d_start = distance_point_point(start, pt_to_align_with) d_end = distance_point_point(end, pt_to_align_with) # if closer to end point > reverse list if d_start > d_end: layer.paths[j].points.reverse()
if __name__ == "__main__": pass