Source code for compas_slicer.print_organization.print_organization_utilities.wait_time

import logging
from compas_slicer.utilities import find_next_printpoint
import math
from compas.geometry import Vector, normalize_vector

logger = logging.getLogger('logger')

__all__ = ['set_wait_time_on_sharp_corners',

[docs]def set_wait_time_on_sharp_corners(print_organizer, threshold=0.5 * math.pi, wait_time=0.3): """ Sets a wait time at the sharp corners of the path, based on the angle threshold. Parameters ---------- print_organizer: :class:`compas_slicer.print_organization.BasePrintOrganizer` threshold: float angle_threshold wait_time: float Time in seconds to introduce to add as a wait time """ number_of_wait_points = 0 for printpoint, i, j, k in print_organizer.printpoints_indices_iterator(): neighbors = print_organizer.get_printpoint_neighboring_items('layer_%d' % i, 'path_%d' % j, k) prev_ppt = neighbors[0] next_ppt = neighbors[1] if prev_ppt and next_ppt: v_to_prev = normalize_vector(Vector.from_start_end(, v_to_next = normalize_vector(Vector.from_start_end(, a = abs(Vector(*v_to_prev).angle(v_to_next)) if a < threshold: printpoint.wait_time = wait_time printpoint.blend_radius = 0.0 # 0.0 blend radius for points where the robot will wait number_of_wait_points += 1'Added wait times for %d points' % number_of_wait_points)
[docs]def set_wait_time_based_on_extruder_toggle(print_organizer, wait_type, wait_time=0.3): """ Sets a wait time for the printpoints, either before extrusion starts, after extrusion finishes, or in both cases. Parameters ---------- print_organizer: :class:`compas_slicer.print_organization.BasePrintOrganizer` wait_type: str wait_before_extrusion: sets a wait time before extrusion (extruder_toggle False to True) wait_after_extrusion: sets a wait time after extrusion (extruder_toggle True to False) wait_before_and_after_extrusion: sets a wait time before, and after extrusion wait_at_sharp_corners: sets a wait time at the sharp corners of the path wait_time: float Time in seconds to introduce to add as a wait time """ for printpoint in print_organizer.printpoints_iterator(): assert printpoint.extruder_toggle is not None, \ 'You need to set the extruder toggles first, before you can automatically set the wait time'"Setting wait time") for printpoint, i, j, k in print_organizer.printpoints_indices_iterator(): number_of_wait_points = 0 next_ppt = find_next_printpoint(print_organizer.printpoints_dict, i, j, k) # for the brim layer don't add any wait times if not print_organizer.slicer.layers[i].is_brim and next_ppt: if wait_type == "wait_before_extrusion": if printpoint.extruder_toggle is False and next_ppt.extruder_toggle is True: next_ppt.wait_time = wait_time next_ppt.blend_radius = 0.0 number_of_wait_points += 1 elif wait_type == "wait_after_extrusion": if printpoint.extruder_toggle is True and next_ppt.extruder_toggle is False: next_ppt.wait_time = wait_time next_ppt.blend_radius = 0.0 number_of_wait_points += 1 elif wait_type == "wait_before_and_after_extrusion": if printpoint.extruder_toggle is False and next_ppt.extruder_toggle is True: next_ppt.wait_time = wait_time next_ppt.blend_radius = 0.0 number_of_wait_points += 1 if printpoint.extruder_toggle is True and next_ppt.extruder_toggle is False: next_ppt.wait_time = wait_time next_ppt.blend_radius = 0.0 number_of_wait_points += 1 else: logger.error('Unknown wait type : ' + str(wait_type))'Added wait times for %d points' % number_of_wait_points)
[docs]def override_wait_time(print_organizer, override_value): """ Overrides the wait_time value for the printpoints with a user-defined value. Parameters ---------- print_organizer: :class:`compas_slicer.print_organization.BasePrintOrganizer` override_value: float Value to override the wait_time values with. """ for printpoint in print_organizer.printpoints_iterator(): printpoint.wait_time = override_value
if __name__ == "__main__": pass