- class FrameObject[source]
The scene object of the COMPAS Frame. With its modifiable cell size and dimension.
- Parameters:
- frame
The frame geometry.
- framesizetuple[float, int, float, int]
The size of the grid in [dx, nx, dy, ny] format. Notice that the nx and ny must be even numbers.
- linecolor
The color of the grid lines.
- show_framezbool
If True, the Z axis of the grid will be shown.
- frame
- Attributes:
- frame
The frame geometry.
- dxfloat
The size of the grid in the X direction.
- nxint
The number of grid cells in the X direction.
- dyfloat
The size of the grid in the Y direction.
- nyint
The number of grid cells in the Y direction.
- show_framezbool
If the Z axis of the grid is shown.
- frame
See also
Inherited Methods
Converts the instance to a string.
Add a child item to the scene object.
The main clearing method.
Make an independent copy of the data object.
The main drawing method.
Construct an object of this type from a JSON file.
Construct an object of this type from a JSON string.
Initialize the object
Remove a child node from this node.
Compute a hash of the data for comparison during version control using the sha256 algorithm.
Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON file.
Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON string.
Traverse the tree from this node.
Update the object.
Validate the data against the object's data schema.