from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from compas.geometry import scale_vector
from compas.geometry import normalize_vector
from compas.geometry import add_vectors
from compas.geometry import subtract_vectors
from compas.geometry import cross_vectors
from compas.geometry import centroid_points
from compas.geometry import intersection_line_line
from compas.geometry import normal_polygon
from compas.geometry import is_colinear
from compas.utilities import iterable_like
from compas.utilities import pairwise
from compas.utilities import is_item_iterable
__all__ = [
[docs]def offset_line(line, distance, normal=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]):
"""Offset a line by a distance.
line : tuple
Two points defining the line.
distances : float or list of floats
The offset distance as float.
A single value determines a constant offset. Alternatively, two
offset values for the start and end point of the line can be used to
a create variable offset.
normal : vector
The normal of the offset plane.
offset line : tuple
Two points defining the offset line.
The offset direction is chosen such that if the line were along the positve
X axis and the normal of the offset plane is along the positive Z axis, the
offset line is in the direction of the postive Y axis.
a, b = line
ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
direction = normalize_vector(cross_vectors(normal, ab))
if not is_item_iterable(distance):
distance = [distance]
distances = list(iterable_like(line, distance, distance[-1]))
u = scale_vector(direction, distances[0])
v = scale_vector(direction, distances[1])
c = add_vectors(a, u)
d = add_vectors(b, v)
return c, d
[docs]def offset_polygon(polygon, distance, tol=1e-6):
"""Offset a polygon (closed) by a distance.
polygon : list of point
The XYZ coordinates of the corners of the polygon.
The first and last coordinates must not be identical.
distance : float or list of float
The offset distance as float.
A single value determines a constant offset globally.
Alternatively, pairs of local offset values per line segment can be used to create variable offsets.
Distance > 0: offset to the outside, distance < 0: offset to the inside.
offset polygon : list of point
The XYZ coordinates of the corners of the offset polygon.
The first and last coordinates are identical.
The offset direction is determined by the normal of the polygon.
If the polygon is in the XY plane and the normal is along the positive Z axis,
positive offset distances will result in an offset towards the inside of the
The algorithm works also for spatial polygons that do not perfectly fit a plane.
normal = normal_polygon(polygon)
if not is_item_iterable(distance):
distance = [distance]
distances = iterable_like(polygon, distance, distance[-1])
polygon = polygon + polygon[:1]
segments = offset_segments(polygon, distances, normal)
offset = []
for s1, s2 in pairwise(segments[-1:] + segments):
point = intersect(s1, s2, tol)
return offset
[docs]def offset_polyline(polyline, distance, normal=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], tol=1e-6):
"""Offset a polyline by a distance.
polyline : list of point
The XYZ coordinates of the vertices of a polyline.
distance : float or list of tuples of floats
The offset distance as float.
A single value determines a constant offset globally.
Alternatively, pairs of local offset values per line segment can be used to create variable offsets.
Distance > 0: offset to the "left", distance < 0: offset to the "right".
normal : vector
The normal of the offset plane.
offset polyline : list of point
The XYZ coordinates of the resulting polyline.
if not is_item_iterable(distance):
distance = [distance]
distances = iterable_like(polyline, distance, distance[-1])
segments = offset_segments(polyline, distances, normal)
offset = [segments[0][0]]
for s1, s2 in pairwise(segments):
point = intersect(s1, s2, tol)
return offset
def intersect_lines(l1, l2, tol):
x1, x2 = intersection_line_line(l1, l2, tol)
if x1 and x2:
return centroid_points([x1, x2])
def intersect_lines_colinear(l1, l2, tol):
def are_segments_colinear(l1, l2, tol):
a, b = l1
d, c = l2
return is_colinear(a, b, c, tol)
if are_segments_colinear(l1, l2, tol):
return centroid_points([l1[1], l2[0]])
def intersect(l1, l2, tol):
supported_funcs = [intersect_lines, intersect_lines_colinear]
for func in supported_funcs:
point = func(l1, l2, tol)
if point:
return point
msg = "Intersection not found for line: {}, and line: {}".format(l1, l2)
raise ValueError(msg)
def offset_segments(point_list, distances, normal):
segments = []
for line, distance in zip(pairwise(point_list), distances):
segments.append(offset_line(line, distance, normal))
return segments
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest