from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import array
from numpy import argsort
from numpy import argmin
from numpy import delete
from numpy import eye
from numpy import floor
from numpy import max
from numpy import min
from numpy import newaxis
from numpy import ones
from numpy import reshape
from numpy import tile
from numpy import where
from numpy import zeros
from numpy.random import choice
from numpy.random import rand
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
from time import time
__all__ = ['devo_numpy']
[docs]def devo_numpy(fn, bounds, population, generations, limit=0, elites=0.2, F=0.8, CR=0.5, polish=False, args=(),
plot=False, frange=[], printout=10, neutrals=0.05, **kwargs):
""" Call the Differential Evolution solver.
fn : obj
The function to evaluate and minimize.
bounds : list
Lower and upper bounds for each DoF [[lb, ub], ...].
population : int
Number of starting agents in the population.
generations : int
Number of cross-over cycles/steps to perform.
limit : float
Value of the objective function to terminate optimisation.
elites : float
Fraction of elite agents kept.
F : float
Differential evolution parameter.
CR : float
Differential evolution cross-over ratio parameter.
polish : bool
Polish the final result with L-BFGS-B.
args : seq
Sequence of optional arguments to pass to fn.
plot : bool
Plot progress.
frange : list
Minimum and maximum f value to plot.
printout : int
Print progress to screen.
neutrals : float
Fraction of neutral starting agents.
Optimal value of objective function.
Values that give the optimum (minimized) function.
>>> from scipy.optimize import rosen
>>> def f(u, *args):
... return rosen(u.ravel())
>>> x0 = [1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2]
>>> bounds = [[-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0]]
>>> res = devo_numpy(f, bounds, 200, 1000, polish=False, plot=False, frange=[0, 100], neutrals=0)
if plot:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
tic = time()
if printout:
print('\n' + '-' * 50)
print('Differential Evolution started')
print('-' * 50)
k = len(bounds)
bounds = array(bounds)
lb = tile(bounds[:, 0][:, newaxis], (1, population))
ub = tile(bounds[:, 1][:, newaxis], (1, population))
agents = (rand(k, population) * (ub - lb) + lb)
agents[:, :int(round(population * neutrals))] *= 0
candidates = tile(array(range(population)), (1, population))
candidates = reshape(delete(candidates, where(eye(population).ravel() == 1)), (population, population - 1))
f = zeros(population)
for i in range(population):
f[i] = fn(agents[:, i], *args)
fopt = min(f)
ac = zeros((k, population))
bc = zeros((k, population))
cc = zeros((k, population))
ts = 0
switch = 1
if printout:
print('Generation: {0} fopt: {1:.5g}'.format(ts, fopt))
if plot:
fmin, fmax = 0, max(fopt)
if len(frange) == 2:
fmin, fmax = frange
ydiv = 100
dc = 1. / population
data = ones((ydiv + 1, generations + 1, 3))
yticks = list(range(0, ydiv + 1, int(ydiv * 0.1)))
ylabels = ['{0:.1f}'.format(i * (fmax - fmin) * 0.1 + fmin) for i in range(11)]
aspect = generations / ydiv
plt.plot([generations * 0.5] * 2, [0, ydiv], ':k')
plt.yticks(yticks, ylabels, rotation='horizontal')
while ts < generations + 1:
if (ts > generations * 0.5) and switch:
switch = 0
elite_agents = argsort(f)[:int(floor(elites * population))]
population = len(elite_agents)
candidates = tile(array(range(population)), (1, population))
candidates = reshape(delete(candidates, where(eye(population).ravel() == 1)), (population, population - 1))
f = f[elite_agents]
ac = ac[:, elite_agents]
bc = bc[:, elite_agents]
cc = cc[:, elite_agents]
agents = agents[:, elite_agents]
lb = lb[:, elite_agents]
ub = ub[:, elite_agents]
if plot:
fsc = (f - fmin) / (fmax - fmin)
fsc[fsc > 1] = 1
fsc *= ydiv
fbin = floor(fsc).astype(int)
for i in fbin:
if data[i, ts, 0] == 1:
data[i, ts, :] = 0.9 - dc
data[i, ts, :] -= dc
data[data < 0] = 0
data[min(fbin), ts, :] = [1, 0, 0]
data[max(fbin), ts, :] = [0, 0, 1]
if ts % printout == 0:
plt.imshow(data, origin='lower', aspect=aspect)
plt.plot([generations * 0.5] * 2, [0, ydiv], ':k')
plt.yticks(yticks, ylabels, rotation='horizontal')
for i in range(population):
inds = candidates[i, choice(population - 1, 3, replace=False)]
ac[:, i] = agents[:, inds[0]]
bc[:, i] = agents[:, inds[1]]
cc[:, i] = agents[:, inds[2]]
ind = rand(k, population) < CR
agents_ = ind * (ac + F * (bc - cc)) + ~ind * agents
log_lb = agents_ < lb
log_ub = agents_ > ub
agents_[log_lb] = lb[log_lb]
agents_[log_ub] = ub[log_ub]
f_ = zeros(population)
for i in range(population):
f_[i] = fn(agents_[:, i], *args)
log = where((f - f_) > 0)[0]
agents[:, log] = agents_[:, log]
f[log] = f_[log]
fopt = min(f)
xopt = agents[:, argmin(f)]
ts += 1
ac *= 0
bc *= 0
cc *= 0
if printout and (ts % printout == 0):
print('Generation: {0} fopt: {1:.5g}'.format(ts, fopt))
if fopt < limit:
if polish:
opt = fmin_l_bfgs_b(fn, xopt, args=args, approx_grad=1, bounds=bounds, iprint=1, pgtol=10**(-6), factr=10000,
maxfun=10**5, maxiter=10**5, maxls=200)
xopt = opt[0]
fopt = opt[1]
if printout:
print('\n' + '-' * 50)
print('Differential Evolution finished : {0:.4g} s'.format(time() - tic))
print('fopt: {0:.5g}'.format(fopt))
print('-' * 50)
if plot:
return fopt, list(xopt)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from scipy.optimize import rosen
def f(u, *args):
return rosen(u.ravel())
x0 = [1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2]
bounds = [[-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0], [-10.0, 10.0]]
res = devo_numpy(f, bounds, 200, 1000, polish=False, plot=False, frange=[0, 100], neutrals=0)