Source code for compas.geometry._core.angles

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

from math import pi
from math import degrees
from math import acos

from compas.geometry._core import subtract_vectors
from compas.geometry._core import subtract_vectors_xy
from compas.geometry._core import dot_vectors
from compas.geometry._core import dot_vectors_xy
from compas.geometry._core import length_vector
from compas.geometry._core import length_vector_xy
from compas.geometry._core import cross_vectors

__all__ = [

[docs]def angle_vectors(u, v, deg=False, tol=0.0): """Compute the smallest angle between two vectors. Parameters ---------- u : sequence of float XYZ components of the first vector. v : sequence of float XYZ components of the second vector. deg : boolean returns angle in degrees if True Returns ------- float The smallest angle in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The angle is always positive. Examples -------- >>> angle_vectors([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) """ L = length_vector(u) * length_vector(v) if tol and L < tol: return 0 a = dot_vectors(u, v) / L a = max(min(a, 1), -1) if deg: return degrees(acos(a)) return acos(a)
[docs]def angle_vectors_signed(u, v, normal, deg=False, threshold=1e-3): """Computes the signed angle between two vectors. It calculates the angle such that rotating vector u about the normal by angle would result in a vector that looks into the same direction as v. Parameters ---------- u : sequence of float XYZ components of the first vector. v : sequence of float XYZ components of the second vector. normal : sequence of float XYZ components of the plane's normal spanned by u and v. deg : boolean returns angle in degrees if True threshold : The threshold (radians) used to consider if the angle is zero. Defaults to 1e-3. Returns ------- float The signed angle in radians (in degrees if deg == True). Examples -------- >>> normal = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] >>> angle_vectors_signed([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], normal) """ angle = angle_vectors(u, v) normal_uv = cross_vectors(u, v) if length_vector(normal_uv) > threshold: # check if normal_uv has the same direction as normal angle_btw_normals = angle_vectors(normal, normal_uv) if angle_btw_normals > threshold: angle *= -1 if deg: return degrees(angle) else: return angle
[docs]def angle_vectors_xy(u, v, deg=False, tol=1e-4): """Compute the smallest angle between the XY components of two vectors. Parameters ---------- u : sequence of float The first 2D or 3D vector (Z will be ignored). v : sequence of float) The second 2D or 3D vector (Z will be ignored). deg : boolean returns angle in degrees if True Returns ------- float The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The angle is always positive. Examples -------- >>> """ L = length_vector_xy(u) * length_vector_xy(v) if L < tol: return 0 a = dot_vectors_xy(u, v) / L a = max(min(a, 1), -1) if deg: return degrees(acos(a)) return acos(a)
[docs]def angle_points(a, b, c, deg=False): r"""Compute the smallest angle between the vectors defined by three points. Parameters ---------- a : sequence of float XYZ coordinates. b : sequence of float XYZ coordinates. c : sequence of float XYZ coordinates. deg : boolean returns angle in degrees if True Returns ------- float The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The angle is always positive. Notes ----- The vectors are defined in the following way .. math:: \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} \\ \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a} Z components may be provided, but are simply ignored. """ u = subtract_vectors(b, a) v = subtract_vectors(c, a) return angle_vectors(u, v, deg)
[docs]def angle_points_xy(a, b, c, deg=False): r"""Compute the smallest angle between the vectors defined by the XY components of three points. Parameters ---------- a : sequence of float XY(Z) coordinates of a 2D or 3D point (Z will be ignored). b : sequence of float) XY(Z) coordinates of a 2D or 3D point (Z will be ignored). c : sequence of float) XY(Z) coordinates of a 2D or 3D point (Z will be ignored). deg : boolean returns angle in degrees if True Returns ------- float The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The angle is always positive. Notes ----- The vectors are defined in the following way .. math:: \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} \\ \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a} Z components may be provided, but are simply ignored. """ u = subtract_vectors_xy(b, a) v = subtract_vectors_xy(c, a) return angle_vectors_xy(u, v, deg)
[docs]def angles_vectors(u, v, deg=False): """Compute the the 2 angles formed by a pair of vectors. Parameters ---------- u : sequence of float XYZ components of the first vector. v : sequence of float XYZ components of the second vector. deg : boolean returns angles in degrees if True Returns ------- tuple The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The smallest angle is returned first. Examples -------- >>> """ if deg: a = angle_vectors(u, v, deg) return a, 360. - a a = angle_vectors(u, v) return a, pi * 2 - a
[docs]def angles_vectors_xy(u, v, deg=False): """Compute the angles between the XY components of two vectors. Parameters ---------- u : sequence of float XY(Z) coordinates of the first vector. v : sequence of float XY(Z) coordinates of the second vector. deg : boolean returns angles in degrees if True Returns ------- tuple The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The smallest angle is returned first. Notes ----- Z components may be provided, but are simply ignored. Examples -------- >>> """ if deg: a = angle_vectors_xy(u, v, deg) return a, 360. - a a = angle_vectors_xy(u, v) return a, pi * 2 - a
[docs]def angles_points(a, b, c, deg=False): r"""Compute the two angles between two vectors defined by three points. Parameters ---------- a : sequence of float) XYZ coordinates. b : sequence of float) XYZ coordinates. c : sequence of float) XYZ coordinates. deg : boolean returns angles in degrees if True Returns ------- tuple The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The smallest angle is returned first. Notes ----- The vectors are defined in the following way .. math:: \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} \\ \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a} Examples -------- >>> """ u = subtract_vectors(b, a) v = subtract_vectors(c, a) return angles_vectors(u, v, deg)
[docs]def angles_points_xy(a, b, c, deg=False): r"""Compute the two angles between the two vectors defined by the XY components of three points. Parameters ---------- a : sequence of float) XY(Z) coordinates. b : sequence of float) XY(Z) coordinates. c : sequence of float) XY(Z) coordinates. deg : boolean returns angles in degrees if True Returns ------- tuple The smallest angle between the vectors in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The smallest angle is returned first. Notes ----- The vectors are defined in the following way .. math:: \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} \\ \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{c} - \mathbf{a} Z components may be provided, but are simply ignored. Examples -------- >>> """ u = subtract_vectors_xy(b, a) v = subtract_vectors_xy(c, a) return angles_vectors_xy(u, v, deg)
[docs]def angle_planes(a, b, deg=False): """Compute the smallest angle between the two normal vectors of two planes. Parameters ---------- a : point and vector or :class:`compas.geometry.Plane` The first plane. b : point and vector or :class:`compas.geometry.Plane` The second plane. deg : boolean Returns angle in degrees if True. Returns ------- float The smallest angle in radians (in degrees if deg == True). The angle is always positive. Examples -------- >>> plane_a = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] >>> plane_b = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> angle_planes(plane_a, plane_b, True) 90.0 """ return angle_vectors(a[1], b[1], deg)
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