.. currentmodule:: compas.plugins
COMPAS has an extensible architecture based on plugins that allows to
customize and extend the functionality of the core framework.
Check out the developer guide to :ref:`plugins` for additional details.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import functools
import inspect
import pkgutil
import threading
__all__ = [
[docs]class PluginNotInstalledError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when an extension point is invoked but no plugin is available."""
def _get_extension_point_url_from_name(domain, category, pluggable_name):
"""Get the extension point URL based on a pluggable method name"""
return '{}/{}/{}'.format(domain, category, pluggable_name).replace('//', '/')
def _get_extension_point_url_from_method(domain, category, plugin_method):
"""Get the extension point URL based on a method instance"""
name = getattr(plugin_method, '__name__', None) or str(id(plugin_method))
return '{}/{}/{}'.format(domain, category, name).replace('//', '/')
class PluginImpl(object):
"""Internal data class to keep track of a loaded plugin implementation.
plugin : module
Instance of the module containing one or more plugin implementations.
method : method
Method implementing the a plugin's behavior.
plugin_opts : dict
Dictionary containing plugin options.
def __init__(self, plugin, method, plugin_opts):
self.plugin = plugin
self.method = method
self.opts = plugin_opts
if plugin_opts['tryfirst']:
self.key = 1
elif plugin_opts['trylast']:
self.key = 3
self.key = 2
def id(self):
"""Identifier of the plugin implementation."""
return '{}.{}'.format(self.plugin.__name__, self.method.__name__)
def __repr__(self):
return '<PluginImpl id={}, plugin_module={}>'.format(self.id, self.plugin)
[docs]class PluginManager(object):
"""Plugin Manager handles discovery and registry of plugins.
Usually there is only one instance of a plugin manager per host.
DEBUG = False
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.importer = Importer()
self._registry = {}
self._discovery_done = False
self._discovery_lock = threading.Lock()
def registry(self):
"""Plugin registry.
Lazy-loaded dictionary of all plugins available in the system.
Dictionary of available plugins. The keys are extension point URLs
and the values are instances of :class:`PluginImpl`.
if not self._discovery_done:
return self._registry
[docs] def load_plugins(self):
"""Load available plugin modules.
Number of loaded plugins.
with self._discovery_lock:
count = 0
modules = [
for _importer, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules()
if is_pkg and module_name.startswith('compas')
modules_to_inspect = dict()
for module_name in modules:
module = self.importer.try_import(module_name)
if module:
modules_to_inspect[module_name] = module
if self.DEBUG:
print('Error importing module {}, skipping entire package.'.format(module_name))
if '__all_plugins__' in dir(module):
for plugin_module_name in module.__all_plugins__:
plugin_module = self.importer.try_import(plugin_module_name)
if plugin_module:
modules_to_inspect[plugin_module_name] = plugin_module
if self.DEBUG:
print('Error importing plugin {}, skipping.'.format(plugin_module_name))
if self.DEBUG:
print('Will inspect modules: {}'.format(list(modules_to_inspect.keys())))
for plugin_module in modules_to_inspect.values():
count += self.register_module(plugin_module)
self._discovery_done = True
return count
[docs] def register_module(self, plugin_module):
"""Register a module that potentially contains plugin implementations.
plugin_module : module
Module instance to inspect for plugins.
Count of successfully registered plugins in the module.
count = 0
for name in dir(plugin_module):
plugin_method = getattr(plugin_module, name)
plugin_opts = self._parse_plugin_opts(plugin_method)
if plugin_opts is not None:
plugin_impl = PluginImpl(plugin_module, plugin_method, plugin_opts)
plugins_list = self._registry.setdefault(plugin_opts['extension_point_url'], [])
plugins_list.sort(key=lambda p: p.key)
if self.DEBUG:
print('Registered plugin with ID "{}" for extension point: {}'.format(plugin_impl.id, plugin_opts['extension_point_url']))
count += 1
return count
def _parse_plugin_opts(self, plugin_method):
if not inspect.isroutine(plugin_method):
res = getattr(plugin_method, '__plugin_spec__', None)
except Exception:
res = {}
if res is not None and not isinstance(res, dict):
res = None
return res
[docs]def pluggable(pluggable_method=None, category=None, selector='first_match', domain='https://plugins.compas.dev/'):
"""Decorator to mark a method as a pluggable extension point.
A pluggable interface is uniquely identifiable/locatable via a URL
derived from the parameters ``domain``, ``category`` and name ``pluggable_method``.
In the example below, the URL of the pluggable definition is::
pluggable_method : callable
The method to decorate as ``pluggable``.
category : :obj:`str`, optional
An optional string to group or categorize extension points.
selector : :obj:`str`, optional
String that determines the selection mode of extension points.
- ``"first_match"``: (:obj:`str`) Execute the first matching implementation.
- ``"collect_all"``: (:obj:`str`) Executes all matching implementations and return list of its return values.
domain : :obj:`str`, optional
Domain name that "owns" the pluggable extension point.
This is useful to avoid name collisions between extension points
of different packages.
>>> @pluggable(category='triangulation')
... def triangulate_mesh(mesh):
... pass
def pluggable_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
extension_point_url = _get_extension_point_url_from_method(domain, category, func)
if selector == 'first_match':
plugin_impl = _select_plugin(extension_point_url)
return plugin_impl.method(*args, **kwargs)
elif selector == 'collect_all':
results = []
for plugin_impl in _collect_plugins(extension_point_url):
results.append(plugin_impl.method(*args, **kwargs))
return results
raise ValueError('Unexpected selector type. Must be either: first_match or collect_all')
return wrapper
if pluggable_method is None:
return pluggable_decorator
return pluggable_decorator(pluggable_method)
[docs]def plugin(method=None, category=None, requires=None, tryfirst=False, trylast=False, pluggable_name=None, domain='https://plugins.compas.dev/'):
"""Decorator to declare a plugin.
A plugin decorator marks a method as a plugin for a specified
:meth:`pluggable` extension point. Plugins are matched to their pluggable
counterparts by a combination of the name of the plugin method, the category
and the domain specified. These 3 parts form the **extension point URL** used
for matching.
method : callable
The method to decorate as ``plugin``.
category : str, optional
An optional string to group or categorize plugins.
requires : list of str, optional
Optionally defines a list of packages that should be importable
for this plugin to be used.
tryfirst : bool, optional
Plugins can declare a preferred priority by setting this to ``True``.
By default ``False``.
trylast : bool, optional
Alternatively, a plugin can demote itself to be least preferable
setting ``trylast`` to ``True``. By default ``False``.
pluggable_name : str, optional
Usually, the name of the decorated plugin method matches that of the
pluggable interface. When that is not the case, the pluggable name can be
specified via this parameter.
domain : str, optional
Domain name that "owns" the pluggable extension point.
This is useful to disambiguate name collisions between extension points
of different packages.
def setattr_hookspec_opts(func):
if tryfirst and trylast:
raise ValueError('You cannot set a plugin to try first and last at the same time.')
name = pluggable_name or getattr(func, '__name__', None)
extension_point_url = _get_extension_point_url_from_name(domain, category, name)
return func
if method is not None:
return setattr_hookspec_opts(method)
return setattr_hookspec_opts
class Importer(object):
"""Internal class to help importing modules."""
def __init__(self):
self._cache = {}
def try_import(self, module_name):
"""Attempt to import a module, but do not raise in case of error.
module_name : str
Module to try to import.
If importable, it returns the imported module, otherwise ``None``.
module = None
module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=['__name__'], level=0)
self._cache[module_name] = True
except ImportError:
self._cache[module_name] = False
return module
def check_importable(self, module_name):
"""Check if a module is importable.
module_name : str
Name of the module to check for importability.
``True`` if the module can be imported correctly, otherwise ``False``.
if module_name not in self._cache:
return self._cache[module_name]
def is_plugin_selectable(plugin, manager):
if plugin.opts['requires']:
importable_requirements = (manager.importer.check_importable(name) for name in plugin.opts['requires'])
if not all(importable_requirements):
if manager.DEBUG:
print('Requirements not satisfied. Plugin will not be used: {}'.format(plugin.id))
return False
return True
def select_plugin(extension_point_url, manager):
if manager.DEBUG:
print('Extension Point URL {} invoked. Will select a matching plugin'.format(extension_point_url))
plugins = manager.registry.get(extension_point_url) or []
for plugin in plugins:
if is_plugin_selectable(plugin, manager):
return plugin
raise PluginNotInstalledError('Plugin not found for extension point URL: {}'.format(extension_point_url))
def collect_plugins(extension_point_url, manager):
if manager.DEBUG:
print('Extension Point URL {} invoked. Will select a matching plugin'.format(extension_point_url))
plugins = manager.registry.get(extension_point_url) or []
return [plugin for plugin in plugins if is_plugin_selectable(plugin, manager)]
plugin_manager = PluginManager()
_select_plugin = functools.partial(select_plugin, manager=plugin_manager)
_collect_plugins = functools.partial(collect_plugins, manager=plugin_manager)