Rhino 5 on Windows

If you are using Rhino 5.0, you may also want to replace the version of IronPython that comes with it, such that everything works properly.

To check your IronPython version in Rhino, go to the PythonScript Editor

Tools > PythonScript > Edit

There, run the following snippet.

import sys
print sys.version_info

This will display something like

sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=5, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

If the releaselevel is not 'final', install IronPython 2.7.5 and let Rhino know where it is by adding it to the Rhino Python Editor search paths.


Install IronPython 2.7.5, and not the latest version of IronPython. Rhino doesn’t like it…

In the Rhino Python Editor, go to

Tools > Options

And add



Restart Rhino and check the version info as before.