Development Workflow


To set up a developer environment

  1. Fork the repository and clone the fork. See Fork a repo for more information.

  2. Create a virtual environment using your tool of choice (e.g. virtualenv, conda, etc).

    conda create -n compas-dev python=3.9 --yes
    conda activate compas-dev
  3. Install development dependencies:

    cd path/to/compas
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  4. Make sure all tests pass and the code is free of lint:

    invoke lint
    invoke test

Making changes

  1. Create a branch for your contributions.

    Prefix your branch name with the type of contribution you are making (e.g. feature-, bugfix-, doc-, etc), followed by a short title of the proposed changes.

    git branch feature-new-method
    git checkout feature-new-method
  2. Making and pushing changes.

    Go ahead and make a few changes to the project using your favorite text editor. When you’re ready to submit your changes, stage and commit your changes. Please use clear commit messages detailing the changes made.

    git add .
    git commit -m "add functionality X to compas"
    git push origin feature-new-method

    You can continue to make more changes, and take more commit snapshots.

  3. Keeping your branch up to date.

    If you are working on a branch for a longer period of time, it is a good idea to keep your branch up to date with the main branch. This way, you can avoid merge conflicts when you submit your changes through a pull request.

    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
    git checkout feature-new-method
    git merge main

    If there are any conflicts, you will have to resolve them manually. Once you are done, you can push your changes to your fork.

    git push origin feature-new-method

Submitting a PR


The smaller the PR, the easier it is to review and merge. If you are working on a larger feature, consider splitting it up into multiple PRs. This will make it easier for us to review your changes and provide feedback. Alternatively, you can open a draft PR to get feedback on your work in progress.

Once you are done making changes, you have to submit your contribution through a pull request (PR). The procedure for submitting a PR is the following.

  1. Please merge the main branch into your feature branch and resolve any conflicts (see above).

  2. Make sure all tests still pass, the code is free of lint, and the docstrings compile correctly:

    invoke lint
    invoke test
    invoke docs
  3. Add yourself to

  4. Summarize the changes you made in in the Unreleased section under the most fitting heading (e.g. Added, Changed, Removed).

  5. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub.

    git add .
    git commit -m "add functionality X to compas"
    git push origin feature-new-method
  1. Create a pull request.

    • Give your PR a title and describe your change in a few sentences.

    • If your PR fixes an issue, add Fixes #123 to the description, where 123 is the issue number.

    • If your PR adds a new feature, add New feature to the description.

    • If your PR fixes a bug, add Bug fix to the description.

    • If your PR changes the API, add Breaking change to the description.

  2. Wait for the tests to pass and for the code to be reviewed.

    We review pull requests as soon as we can, typically within a week. If you get no review comments within two weeks, feel free to ask for feedback by adding a comment on your PR (this will notify maintainers). Thank you!