Backends: ROS Using ROS First step Hello World Robots in ROS Load model from ROS Load model from URDF Forward and inverse kinematics Forward kinematics Inverse kinematics Plan motion Plan cartesian motion Plan motion Planning scene and collision objects 1. Non-attached Collision meshes 2. Attached collision meshes Grasshopper example ROS in Grasshopper Grasshopper playground Grasshopper Components Creating a URDF with an UR5 robot and a custom end-effector Export your meshes Prepare your catkin workspace Create xacros and generate urdf View urdf Add path to search paths Further links Creating a MoveIt! package from the custom created URDF Start the MoveIt! Setup Assistant Generate Self-Collision Matrix Add Virtual Joints Add Planning Groups Add Robot Poses Label End-Effectors Add Passive Joints Add Author Information Generate Configuration Files Start the newly generated MoveIt! Configuration Further links Creating a URDF of the UR10 on two linear axes Export meshes Prepare your catkin workspace Create xacros and generate urdf View urdf Further links