
class compas.artists.MeshArtist(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Artist

Base class for all mesh artists.


mesh (compas.datastructures.Mesh) – A COMPAS mesh.

  • mesh (compas.datastructures.Mesh) – The mesh data structure.

  • vertices (list[int]) – The selection of vertices that should be included in the drawing. Defaults to all vertices.

  • edges (list[tuple[int, int]]) – The selection of edges that should be included in the drawing. Defaults to all edges.

  • faces (list[int]) – The selection of faces that should be included in the drawing. Defaults to all faces.

  • color (tuple[float, float, float]) – The base RGB color of the mesh. Defaults to default_color.

  • vertex_xyz (dict[int, list[float]]) – View coordinates of the vertices. Defaults to the real coordinates.

  • vertex_color (dict[int, tuple[float, float, float]]) – Vertex colors. Missing vertices get the default vertex color default_vertexcolor.

  • edge_color (dict[tuple[int, int], tuple[float, float, float]]) – Edge colors. Missing edges get the default edge color default_edgecolor.

  • face_color (dict[int, tuple[float, float, float]]) – Face colors. Missing faces get the default face color default_facecolor.

  • vertex_text (dict[int, str]) – Vertex labels. Defaults to the vertex identifiers.

  • edge_text (dict[tuple[int, int], str]) – Edge labels. Defaults to the edge identifiers.

  • face_text (dict[int, tuple[float, float, float]]) – Face labels. Defaults to the face identifiers.

  • vertex_size (dict[int, float]) – Vertex sizes. Defaults to 1. Visualization of vertices with variable size is not available for all visualization contexts.

  • edge_width (dict[tuple[int, int], float]) – Edge widths. Defaults to 1. Visualization of edges with variable width is not available for all visualization contexts.

Class Attributes
  • default_color (tuple[float, float, float]) – The default base color of the mesh.

  • default_vertexcolor (tuple[float, float, float]) – The default color of the vertices of the mesh.

  • default_edgecolor (tuple[float, float, float]) – The default color of the edges of the mesh.

  • default_facecolor (tuple[float, float, float]) – The default color of the faces of the mesh.

  • default_vertexsize (float) – The default size of the vertices of the mesh.

  • default_edgewidth (float) – The default width of the edges of the mesh.



Clear all components of the mesh.


Clear the edges of the mesh.


Clear the faces of the mesh.


Clear the vertices of the mesh.


Draw the edges of the mesh.


Draw the faces of the mesh.


Draw the mesh of the mesh.


Draw the vertices of the mesh.

Inherited Methods


Build an artist corresponding to the item type.


Build an artist with the given type.


The main drawing method.


Drawing method for drawing an entire collection of objects.


Redraw the view.


Register an artist type to a data type.