This package contains classes for robot modeling and they are used by the simulation, planning and execution backends to exchange information.
Main classes
Represents a robot. |
Represents semantic information of a robot. |
Represents the configuration of a robot based on the state of its joints. |
Represents a tool to be attached to the robot’s flange. |
Duration consists of two integers: seconds and nanoseconds. |
A wrench represents force in free space, separated into its linear (force) and angular (torque) parts. |
The moments of inertia represent the spatial distribution of mass in a rigid body. |
Path planning
Describes a joint trajectory as a list of trajectory points. |
Defines a point within a trajectory. |
Describes a complete path plan for one or more robots. |
Planning scene
Represents a collision mesh that is attached to a robot’s link. |
Represents a collision mesh. |
Represents the planning scene. |
A container for describing a bounding volume. |
Base class for robot constraints. |
Constrains the value of a joint to be within a certain bound. |
Constrains a link to be within a certain orientation. |
Constrains a link to be within a certain bounding volume. |
Unit conversion
The unit systems most commonly used in COMPAS FAB are meters and radians. The following functions help with converting units from one system to the other.
Convert a list of floats representing radians to a list of degrees. |
Convert a list of floats representing degrees to a list of radians. |