
class compas_fab.robots.ConfigurationTarget[source]

Bases: Target

Represents a configuration target for the robot’s end-effector motion planning.

The configuration target is a joint configuration of the robot’s joints. Given a ConfigurationTarget, the planner aims to find a path moving the robot’s joint positions to match with ConfigurationTarget.target_configuration.

ConfigurationTarget is suitable for targets whose joint configuration is known, such as a home position, or a repetitive position that has been calibrated in the actual robot cell, such as a tool changing position.

The number of joints in the target configuration should match the number of joints in the robot’s planning group. Otherwise the behavior of the backend planner may be undefined. See tutorial Targets for more details.


The target configuration. joint_names and joint_values must be specified. Defaults unit is radians for revolute and continuous joints, and meters for prismatic joints.

tolerance_abovelist of float, optional

Acceptable deviation above the targeted configurations. One for each joint. Always use positive values. If not specified, the default value from the planner is used.

tolerance_belowlist of float, optional

Acceptable deviation below the targeted configurations. One for each joint. Always use positive values. If not specified, the default value from the planner is used.



Generates tolerances values for the target configuration based on the joint types.


Returns copy of the target where the target configuration and tolerances are scaled.

Inherited Methods


Converts the instance to a string.


Make an independent copy of the data object.


Construct an object of this type from a JSON file.


Construct an object of this type from a JSON string.


Compute a hash of the data for comparison during version control using the sha256 algorithm.


Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON file.


Convert an object to its native data representation and save it to a JSON string.


Validate the data against the object's data schema.