
class compas.geometry.NurbsSurface(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: compas.geometry.surfaces.surface.Surface

Class representing a NURBS surface.

  • points (List[Point]) – The control points of the surface.

  • weights (List[float]) – The weights of the control points.

  • u_knots (List[float]) – The knot vector, in the U direction, without duplicates.

  • v_knots (List[float]) – The knot vector, in the V direction, without duplicates.

  • u_mults (List[int]) – The multiplicities of the knots in the knot vector of the U direction.

  • v_mults (List[int]) – The multiplicities of the knots in the knot vector of the V direction.

  • u_degree (int) – The degree of the polynomials in the U direction.

  • v_degree (int) – The degree of the polynomials in the V direction.

  • u_domain (Tuple[float, float]) – The parameter domain in the U direction.

  • v_domain (Tuple[float, float]) – The parameter domain in the V direction.

  • is_u_periodic (bool) – True if the curve is periodic in the U direction.

  • is_v_periodic (bool) – True if the curve is periodic in the V direction.


aabb([precision, optimal])

Compute the axis aligned bounding box of the surface.


Compute the boundary curves of the surface.

closest_point(point[, distance])

Compute the closest point on the curve to a given point.


Make an independent copy of the surface.

curvature_at(u, v)

Compute the curvature at a point on the surface.

frame_at(u, v)

Compute the local frame at a point on the curve.


Construct a BSpline surface from its data representation.

from_fill(curve1, curve2)

Construct a NURBS surface from the infill between two NURBS curves.


Construct an object from serialized data contained in a JSON file.


Construct an object from serialized data contained in a JSON string.

from_meshgrid([nu, nv])

Construct a NURBS surface from a mesh grid.

from_parameters(points, weights, u_knots, ...)

Construct a NURBS surface from explicit parameters.

from_points(points[, u_degree, v_degree])

Construct a NURBS surface from control points.


Load a NURBS surface from a STP file.


Compute the intersections with a line.


Compute the oriented bounding box of the surface.

point_at(u, v)

Compute a point on the surface.


Convert an object to its native data representation.

to_json(filepath[, pretty])

Serialize the data representation of an object to a JSON file.


Serialize the data representation of an object to a JSON string.

to_mesh([nu, nv])

Convert the surface to a quad mesh.

to_step(filepath[, schema])

Write the surface geometry to a STP file.

to_triangles([nu, nv])

Convert the surface to a list of triangles.


Transform this surface.


Transform an independent copy of this surface.


Compute the isoparametric curve at parameter u.


Compute evenly spaced parameters over the surface domain in the U direction.


Compute the isoparametric curve at parameter v.


Compute evenly spaced parameters over the surface domain in the V direction.


Validate the object's data against its data schema (self.DATASCHEMA).


Validate the object's data against its json schema (self.JSONSCHEMA).

xyz([nu, nv])

Compute point locations corresponding to evenly spaced parameters over the surface domain.