- compas.numerical.nullspace(A, tol=0.001)[source]
Calculates the nullspace of the input matrix A.
- Parameters
A (array-like) – Matrix A represented as an array or list.
tol (float) – Tolerance.
- Returns
array – Null(A).
The nullspace is the set of vector solutions to the equation
Ax=0where 0 is a vector of zeros.
When determining the nullspace using SVD decomposition (A = U S Vh), the right-singular vectors (rows of Vh or columns of V) corresponding to vanishing singular values of A, span the nullspace of A.
>>> nullspace(array([[2, 3, 5], [-4, 2, 3]])) array([[-0.03273853], [-0.85120179], [ 0.52381648]])