
classmethod NurbsSurface.from_parameters(points, weights, u_knots, v_knots, u_mults, v_mults, u_degree, v_degree, is_u_periodic=False, is_v_periodic=False)

Construct a NURBS surface from explicit parameters.

  • points (list[list[[float, float, float] | Point]]) – The control points.

  • weights (list[list[float]]) – The weights of the control points.

  • u_knots (list[float]) – The knots in the U direction, without multiplicity.

  • v_knots (list[float]) – The knots in the V direction, without multiplicity.

  • u_mults (list[int]) – Multiplicity of the knots in the U direction.

  • v_mults (list[int]) – Multiplicity of the knots in the V direction.

  • u_degree (int) – Degree in the U direction.

  • v_degree (int) – Degree in the V direction.

