- class compas.geometry.Quaternion(w, x, y, z, **kwargs)[source]
A quaternion is defined by 4 components, X, Y, Z, and W.
- Parameters
w (float) – The scalar (real) part of a quaternion.
x, y, z (float) – Components of the vector (complex, imaginary) part of a quaternion.
- Attributes
w (float) – The W component of the quaternion.
x (float) – The X component of the quaternion.
y (float) – The Y component of the quaternion.
z (float) – The Z component of the quaternion.
wxyz (list[float], read-only) – Quaternion as a list of float in the ‘wxyz’ convention.
xyzw (list[float], read-only) – Quaternion as a list of float in the ‘xyzw’ convention.
norm (float, read-only) – The length (euclidean norm) of the quaternion.
is_unit (bool, read-only) – True if the quaternion is unit-length. False otherwise.
The default convention to represent a quaternion \(q\) in this module is by four real values \(w\), \(x\), \(y\), \(z\). The first value \(w\) is the scalar (real) part, and \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) form the vector (complex, imaginary) part 1, so that:
\[q = w + xi + yj + zk\]where \(i, j, k\) are basis components with following multiplication rules 2:
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} ii &= jj = kk = ijk = -1 \\ ij &= k, \quad ji = -k \\ jk &= i, \quad kj = -i \\ ki &= j, \quad ik = -j \end{align}\end{split}\]Quaternions are associative but not commutative.
Quaternion as rotation.
A rotation through an angle \(\theta\) around an axis defined by a euclidean unit vector \(u = u_{x}i + u_{y}j + u_{z}k\) can be represented as a quaternion:
\[q = cos(\frac{\theta}{2}) + sin(\frac{\theta}{2}) [u_{x}i + u_{y}j + u_{z}k]\]i.e.:
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} w &= cos(\frac{\theta}{2}) \\ x &= sin(\frac{\theta}{2}) u_{x} \\ y &= sin(\frac{\theta}{2}) u_{y} \\ z &= sin(\frac{\theta}{2}) u_{z} \end{align}\end{split}\]For a quaternion to represent a rotation or orientation, it must be unit-length. A quaternion representing a rotation \(p\) resulting from applying a rotation \(r\) to a rotation \(q\), i.e.: \(p = rq\), is also unit-length.
>>> Q = Quaternion(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).unitized() >>> R = Quaternion(0.0,-0.1, 0.2,-0.3).unitized() >>> P = R*Q >>> P.is_unit True
Makes the quaternion canonic.
Returns a quaternion in canonic form.
Conjugate the quaternion.
Returns a conjugate quaternion.
Construct a quaternion from a data dict.
Creates a quaternion object from a frame.
Create a Quaternion from a transformation matrix.
Create a Quaternion from a Rotatation.
Scales the quaternion to make it unit-length.
Returns a quaternion with a unit-length.
Inherited Methods
Converts the instance to a string.
Make an independent copy of the data object.
Construct an object from serialized data contained in a JSON file.
Construct an object from serialized data contained in a JSON string.
Compute a hash of the data for comparison during version control using the sha256 algorithm.
Convert an object to its native data representation.
Serialize the data representation of an object to a JSON file.
Serialize the data representation of an object to a JSON string.
Transform the geometry.
Returns a transformed copy of this geometry.
Validate the object's data against its data schema.
Validate the object's data against its json schema.