This example works for: Abaqus.
To run this example, download the Blender file block_deepbeam.blend and copy the code in the script editor in Blender.
from compas_fea.cad import blender
from compas_fea.structure import ElasticIsotropic
from compas_fea.structure import ElementProperties as Properties
from compas_fea.structure import GeneralStep
from compas_fea.structure import PinnedDisplacement
from compas_fea.structure import PointLoad
from compas_fea.structure import SolidSection
from compas_fea.structure import Structure
from compas_blender.utilities import get_object_by_name
# Author(s): Andrew Liew (
# Structure
mdl = Structure(name='block_deepbeam', path='C:/Temp/')
# Mesh
ds = 0.05
Lx = 1
Ly = 2
Lz = 1
mesh = get_object_by_name(name='plane')
blender.mesh_extrude(mdl, mesh=mesh, layers=int(Lz / ds), thickness=ds, blocks_name='elset_blocks')
# Sets
pins = [[ds, ds, 0], [Lx - ds, ds, 0], [Lx - ds, Ly - ds, 0], [ds, Ly - ds, 0]]
mdl.add_set(name='nset_supports', type='node', selection=[mdl.check_node_exists(i) for i in pins])
mdl.add_set(name='nset_load', type='node', selection=[mdl.check_node_exists([Lx * 0.5, Ly * 0.5, Lz])])
# Materials
mdl.add(ElasticIsotropic(name='mat_elastic', E=10**10, v=0.3, p=1))
# Sections
# Properties
mdl.add(Properties(name='ep_solid', material='mat_elastic', section='sec_solid', elset='elset_blocks'))
# Displacements
mdl.add(PinnedDisplacement(name='disp_pinned', nodes='nset_supports'))
# Loads
mdl.add(PointLoad(name='load_point', nodes='nset_load', z=-1))
# Steps
GeneralStep(name='step_bc', displacements=['disp_pinned']),
GeneralStep(name='step_load', loads=['load_point']),
mdl.steps_order = ['step_bc', 'step_load']
# Summary
# Run
mdl.analyse_and_extract(software='abaqus', fields=['u', 's'], components=['ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'smises'])
# Plot
# blender.plot_data(mdl, step='step_load', field='smises', cbar=[0, 2])
# blender.plot_voxels(mdl, step='step_load', field='smises', vdx=ds, cbar=[0, 1.5])