
This page describes how to analyse a completed Structure object and view the resulting data. There are three processes involved when analysing a Structure object using a specific finite element software package or library:

  • Write the native input file for the FE software with the method .write_input_file().

  • Send the input file to the FE solver for analysis with method .analyse().

  • Extract the data from the analysis results and return them back to structure.results. The relevant data are extracted with method .extract_data().

These three processes are performed in sequence using the method .analyse_and_extract(), which takes the software string ('abaqus', 'ansys' or 'opensees'), a list of the data fields to extract, the number of processor cores to use with cpus (currently for Abaqus only and defaults to 4), and if needed some information on the license type (defaults to 'research', a restricted 'student' license is also accepted). A call to this method looks like:

mdl.analyse_and_extract(software='abaqus', fields=['u', 's'], cpus=4, license='research')

Some additional arguments that can be given to .analyse_and_extract() are: output (bool) to display terminal text updates, return_data (bool) to return results back to structure.results or not, components (list) to request individual components of the requested fields, and dof (int) which is specific to OpenSees for the number of degrees-of-freedom at a node (3 or 6).


The input file for generating an Abaqus structural model is the .inp file. With this file, it is possible to generate and analyse a structural model, as well as request certain output data to be written to an output database .odb file. Because the official reference documentation for Abaqus .inp files is vast, it will not be described here what every line of the .inp file means. There are a few important points to highlight about the Python procedure and data format of the Structure object, and the generated input file format:

  • Abaqus uses a numbering system that starts from 1, therefore for the input file every node and element from the Structure object has 1 added to it (as Python is 0 based), which is then subtracted for all results data so that it remains consistent with the input numbering system.

  • When an element is created in the input file, compas_fea will also make an individual set for just that element named element_x, where x is the Python 0 based element number. Because of the different numbering systems of Python and Abaqus, an element set named element_4 will refer to Abaqus element number 5.

When an input file is written, a confirmation message will appear (if output=True) in the terminal stating where it was written to:

***** Abaqus input file generated: C:/Temp/truss_tower.inp *****

The input file will be sent for analysis via Abaqus in a system subprocess that launches the Abaqus executable abaqus cae with no graphical user interface (noGUI mode) and running the script from compas_fea.fea.abaq. The goal of this subprocess is to pair the Abaqus executable with the .inp file and to generate an .odb file of data, and is equivalent to manually performing the following in a terminal:

abaqus cae noGUI=~/compas_fea/fea/abaq/ -- arguments

During analysis (if output=True), an information stream will print a rolling update of the subprocess progress, and show COMPLETED if the analysis was successful. If it was not possible to debug the issue from the terminal messages, the model should be inspected manually within Abaqus by loading the input file and submitting a job with the job monitor open. Student versions of Abaqus must have cpus=1 (this is the case by default), as multi-core processing is not enabled for student versions. The output stream may look like the following:

Abaqus JOB simple-truss
Abaqus 6.14-1
Begin Analysis Input File Processor
13/09/2017 17:56:25
Run pre.exe
13/09/2017 17:56:28
End Analysis Input File Processor
Begin Abaqus/Standard Analysis
13/09/2017 17:56:28
Run standard.exe
13/09/2017 17:56:30
End Abaqus/Standard Analysis
Abaqus JOB truss-tower COMPLETED

Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses:
Abaqus/Standard checked out 6 tokens from Flexnet server XXX-XXX-XXX.
<212 out of 580 licenses remain available>.

If the analysis was successful and if output=True, a confirmation message will appear in the terminal with the analysis time taken:

***** Analysis successful *****

***** Abaqus analysis time : 17.1095 s *****

If the analysis was unsuccessful, the terminal will look similar to the following:

Abaqus/Analysis exited with errors
Abaqus Error: cae exited with an error.

***** Analysis failed *****

If some, but not all data was written to the .odb file, the data extraction will still try to continue by reading the last frame of the output database. It must be remembered that if the analysis did not fully complete, this last frame is NOT the final frame of the analysis, and should be respected as an equilibrium state taking actions less than those applied. Often this frame will be at the stage that the given number of increments managed to progress to, and so increasing this number of increments in the Step may help the analysis continue further and reach the final equilibrium state.

The data are extracted from the output database .odb file with the abaq.extract_odb_data() function, which is called automatically as part of the .extract_data() method. In the same folder as the .odb file, it will generate a results.json file of scraped unprocessed data, based on what was given in fields and components. This file will be in the folder /path/name/ and will store the data back into the Structure object with the following confirmation (if output=True):

***** Saving data to structure.results successful *****

***** Data extracted from Abaqus .odb file : 2.3439 s *****

If there was a problem with saving the data the following error message will appear:

***** Saving data to structure.results unsuccessful *****


The input file for generating an OpenSees structural model is the .tcl input file. A basic model type will be made in 3D -ndm 3 with degrees-of-freedom at each node -ndf set from the dof argument. Nodes and elements will be numbered starting from 1, and then 1 subtracted for the storage of data after the analysis, so that it is consistent with the input Structure object. An important difference (currently) with OpenSees is that the structural model should have only two steps: the first step representing all of the persistent boundary conditions containing only Displacement objects, and the second step representing all applied Load objects and any further applied Displacement objects.

Beam elements must be given an ex local axis orientation for geomTransf, as OpenSees will not make an assumption for the cross-section orientation. This should be defined either directly when adding the elements with the axes argument, or added to the element name ({'ex': [0, 1, 0]} for example) so it can be picked-up in a CAD environment and automatically applied. This orientation need not be defined for TrussElement types as there is no local bending orientation.

When written, a confirmation message will appear in the terminal showing where the file was saved:

***** OpenSees input file generated: C:/Temp/beam_frame.tcl *****

The input file will be sent for analysis via OpenSees in a system subprocess that launches the executable, given by the exe string, or by assuming the default C:/OpenSees.exe location for Windows. No graphical user interface is launched for OpenSees, feedback will only be presented in the terminal while the .tcl file is running:

          OpenSees -- Open System For Earthquake Engineering Simulation
               Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
                      Version 2.5.0 (rev 6536) 64-Bit

     (c) Copyright 1999-2016 The Regents of the University of California
                             All Rights Reserved
(Copyright and Disclaimer @

Followed by a completion message after the analysis has successfully completed, or with terminal output stating any error messages that have arisen:

***** OpenSees analysis time : 0.9063 s *****

Only simple constant static loads are currently implemented with the following basic analysis settings:

  • constraints Transformation.

  • numberer RCM.

  • system ProfileSPD.

  • test NormUnbalance based on the step.tolerance and step.iterations of the Step object.

  • algorithm NewtonLineSearch.

  • integrator LoadControl.

  • analysis Static and analyze using the number of increments in step.increments.

As OpenSees support is still in early development, only limited output is automatically extracted, mainly nodal data such as 'u': displacements and 'ur': rotations, rf: reaction forces and rm: reaction moments, and only limited element data such as truss axial forces and some beam element data. Data will be stored for all nodes and elements as .out text files such as step_name_u.out. These files are organised with OpenSees file writing defaults, which lists analysis increments vertically in the output text files and the data horizontally. Note: plotting functions currently use only the final increment, i.e. the last line of the file.


Fields, components and data

After the analysis, the data are stored in the Structure object, where they can be accessed by the user to read or visualise the results. The organisation of the collected data in structure.results is in nested dictionaries with keys following a sequence of: the step string for the Step of interest, a data type string for 'nodal' or 'element' based data, the field string corresponding to one of the field tables below, and finally the node or element number. The general format of accessing data is thus structure.results[step][type][field][number]. Two helper methods are also provided through structure.get_nodal_results() and structure.get_element_results(), where the step, field and nodes or elements are given the same as above, and the requested results are returned as a dictionary:

mdl.get_nodal_results(step='step_load', field='rfm', nodes='nset_pins')
mdl.get_element_results(step='step_load', field='smises', elements=[10]

The field strings are based on the notation tables below for the nodal data and the element data:

Node fields






'rf' Reaction forces





'rm' Reaction moments





'u' Displacements





'ur' Rotations





'cf' Concentrated forces





'cm' Concentrated moments





Element fields

For elements such as shell elements, the local element axes can be accessed through 'axes' as a component entry. Note: shell forces and moments are per unit width.

'spf' Spring forces




'sf' Section forces

'sf1' Axial

'sf2' Shear x

'sf3' Shear y

'sf' Shell forces

'sf1' Axial x

'sf2' Axial y

'sf3' Shear y

'sf4' Transverse x

'sf5' Transverse y

'sm' Section moments

'sm1' Moment x-x

'sm2' Moment y-y

'sm3' Torsion

'sm' Shell moments

'sm1' Moment y-y

'sm2' Moment x-x

'sm3' Torsion

'se' Section strains

'se1' Axial

'se2' Shear y

'se3' Shear x

'sk' Section curvatures

'skx' Curvature x-x

'sky' Curvature y-y

'skz' Twist

'sk' Shell curvatures

'skx' Curvature y-y

'sky' Curvature x-x

'skz' Twist

's' Stress (beams)

'sxx' Axial

'syy' Hoop

'sxy' Torsion

's' Stress (shells)

'sxx' Axial

'syy' Axial

'sxy' Shear

's' Stress (derived)

'smises' Von Mises

'smaxp' Max principal

'sminp' Min principal

'e' Strain (beams)

'exx' Axial

'eyy' Hoop

'exy' Shear (torsion)

'e' Strain (shells)

'exx' Axial

'eyy' Axial

'exy' Shear

'e' Strain (derived)

'emaxp' Max principal

'eminp' Min principal

Reinforcement forces 'rbfor'

Integration and section points

For 'nodal' data, accessing the displacement in z for step 'step_load' and for node 4 would be structure.results['step_load']['nodal']['uz'][4], which would give a single float value in return. For 'element' data, there is often no single data value that can represent the entire element, as some elements require many data values to be evaluated across its volume, especially higher order elements, quads and solid elements. During a finite element analysis, specific points are evaluated across an element and section related to the element shape function and cross-section shape (Gauss points). Each of these data-points is stored by compas_fea for each of the elements with an integration point–section point string key. This special key takes the form of 'ip4_sp1', which represents data for integration point 4 and section point 1 (see the Elements and Sections topics for the locations of these points).

The data request structure.results['step_load']['element']['smises'][4] for an example element, will return a dictionary of data with string keys as the integration point–section point keys. For a four noded linear shell element, these would be four integration points (the four internal points, unless a reduced integration scheme is used leading to one point) and two section points (top and bottom layers by default). When data stored in this integration–section point format are converted to nodal data, which is important for plotting data on meshes where vertices are coloured, the following points must be observed:

  • For some situations, taking a mean value of all data points for an element could give meaningless or misleading results. For example, the mean value of normal stresses in a beam under pure bending would be zero, as positive and negative normal stresses would cancel each other out.

  • Selecting one representative integration point for an element is generally not possible without some understanding of the structural model and loading. For instance, points around a beam cross-section will have completely different stress values depending on the combination of major axis and minor axis bending.

  • Picking a maximum value of Von Mises stress could be used to find a critical heavily stressed point, as these stresses are always positive. But picking a maximum or minimum value for a stress where the sign matters is not so straightforward and must be done carefully, because it represents say compression or tension.