
To run this example, download the Blender file mesh_discretise.blend and copy the code in the script editor in Blender.

from compas_fea.cad import blender
from compas_fea.structure import Structure

from compas_blender.utilities import get_object_by_name

# Author(s): Andrew Liew (

# Structure

mdl = Structure(name='mesh_discretise', path='C:/Temp/')

# Discretise

mesh = get_object_by_name(name='mesh_input')
blender.discretise_mesh(mdl, mesh=mesh, layer='elset_mesh', target=0.100, min_angle=15)

# Weld

blender.weld_meshes_from_layer(layer_input='elset_mesh', layer_output='elset_welded')

# Summary
