This is the documentation of COMPAS View2, the second generation standalone viewers for the COMPAS framework.

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Tutorials
- Examples
- API Reference
- compas_view2.forms
- compas_view2.objects
- ArrowObject
- BoxObject
- BufferObject
- CapsuleObject
- CircleObject
- CollectionObject
- ConeObject
- CylinderObject
- EllipseObject
- FrameObject
- LineObject
- MeshObject
- NetworkObject
- NurbsSurfaceObject
- Object
- PlaneObject
- PointObject
- PolygonObject
- PolyhedronObject
- PolylineObject
- PointcloudObject
- SphereObject
- TextObject
- TorusObject
- VectorObject
- compas_view2.scene
- compas_view2.shaders
- compas_view2.shapes
- compas_view2.ui
- compas_view2.views
- Developer Guide
- License