
App.add(data, name=None, is_selected=None, is_visible=None, show_points=None, show_lines=None, show_faces=None, pointcolor=None, linecolor=None, facecolor=None, linewidth=None, pointsize=None, opacity=None, **kwargs)[source]

Add a COMPAS object.

data: :class:``

A COMPAS data object.

is_selectedbool, optional

Whether the object is selected. Default to False.

is_visiblebool, optional

Whether to show object. Default to True.

show_pointsbool, optional

Whether to show points/vertices of the object. Default to False.

show_linesbool, optional

Whether to show lines/edges of the object. Default to True.

show_facesbool, optional

Whether to show faces of the object. Default to True.

pointcolorUnion[Color, Dict[Union[str, int], Color]], optional

The color or the dict of colors of the points. Default to compas_view2.objects.Object.default_color_points.

linecolorUnion[Color, Dict[Union[str, int], Color]], optional

The color or the dict of colors of the lines. Default to compas_view2.objects.Object.default_color_lines.

facecolorUnion[Color, Dict[Union[str, int], Color]], optional

The color or the dict of colors of the faces. Default to compas_view2.objects.Object.default_color_faces.

linewidthint, optional

The line width to be drawn on screen Default to 1.

pointsizeint, optional

The point size to be drawn on screen Default to 10.

opacityfloat, optional

The opacity of the object. Default to 1.0.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional visualization options for specific objects.


The added object.