Pointset Normal Estimation

from pathlib import Path

from compas.colors import Color
from compas.geometry import Line
from compas.geometry import Point
from compas.geometry import Pointcloud
from compas_cgal.reconstruction import pointset_normal_estimation
from compas_viewer import Viewer

# from compas_view2.collections import Collection

# Define the file path for the point cloud data
FILE = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "data" / "forked_branch_1.ply"

# Load the point cloud data from the PLY file
cloud = Pointcloud.from_ply(FILE)

# Estimate normals for the point cloud
points, vectors = pointset_normal_estimation(cloud, 16, True)
print(f"Original points: {len(cloud)}, Points with normals: {len(points)}, Vectors: {len(vectors)}")

# Create lines and properties for visualizing normals
lines = []
line_properties = []
line_scale = 25

# Iterate over points and vectors to create lines and color properties
for p, v in zip(points, vectors):
            Point(p[0], p[1], p[2]),
            Point(p[0] + v[0] * line_scale, p[1] + v[1] * line_scale, p[2] + v[2] * line_scale),

    # Normalize vector components to be in the range [0, 1] for color representation
    r = (v[0] + 1) * 0.5
    g = (v[1] + 1) * 0.5
    b = (v[2] + 1) * 0.5

    # Store line color properties
    line_properties.append({"linecolor": Color(r, g, b)})

# =============================================================================
# Viz
# =============================================================================

viewer = Viewer()

# viewer.view.camera.scale = 1000
# viewer.view.grid.cell_size = 1000

# line_collection = Collection(lines, line_properties)
# viewer.scene.add(Pointcloud(points))
# viewer.scene.add(line_collection)

# viewer.view.camera.zoom_extents()
